Social Media as a Megaphone to Pressure the Food Industry

Parents and advocacy groups are tapping the power of the web to force food companies to reconsider what they put in their products.


Chick-fil-A Franchises Hosting Medieval-Themed Mother-Son Date Knights

Behold! Various Chick-fil-A's around the nation are hosting medieval-themed Mother-Son Date Knights. Oh the perils of marketing that occur when franchises create their own LOL-worthy events. According to the press release, "During this special medieval-themed evening, moms and their sons are encouraged to spend some time together while they enjoy dinner, great conversation and several special activities." The special activities are unnamed, and probably vary by region. But last year in DC, the event included getting to meet a knight from the Maryland Renaissance Festival (because medieval and Renaissance are the same thing) and … a car show. So, yes, Chick-fil-A, which has absolutely no brand connection to feudalism, has decided to promote mother-son relationships by providing placemats with "fun questions" and a "take-home booklet" in Ohio, North Caroline, Virginia, Georgia, Arkansas and Missouri. Placemats are free, food is not. So, ladies, gather up your young lords and proceed forthwith to to make reservations at ye olde local Chik-fil-A. I'm sure it will be a knight to remember.