Jack’s For Hilary, Rest of Hollywood’s For Obama, Tilley Tattered


Jack Nicholson’s got a thing for Hilary. And he’s expressing it by using clips from the many movies he’s made over his career.

Jack’s For Hillary, Rest of Hollywood’s For Obama, Tilley Tattered


Jack Nicholson’s got a thing for Hilary. And he’s expressing it by using clips from the many movies he’s made over his career.

Ad Council Launches Creative eNewsletter


The Ad Council just hopped aboard the online clue train and started its own e-newsletter, the Ad Council Creative.

Pig Songs Take Shot at Saving Farmers from Extinction


UK-based National Pig Association surveys say consumers would pay more to keep high-quality British pig farming in business. Currently, farmers lose about 20 pounds ($39.09) per pig.

Truth Campaign Explores Broadway Musical-Style Entertainment


Two teens break out in song in front of a tobacco company’s headquarters.

Have a Heart; Save a Manatee for Mom


…because she’ll want you to — way more than she wants that gold necklace, or dinner with you at her favourite restaurant, or a DVD copy of Flashdance.

Bush-ese Interpreted as ‘Hell, High Water’ by Greenpeace


We love a little hell and high water on a Super Tuesday morning. Those things, says Greenpeace, will be the only result of Bush’s big plans against global warming.

Second-Hand Smoke Destroys Gastronomic Experience


To celebrate the first birthday of Louisiana’s Smoke-Free Air Act (Act 815), New Orleans-based Trumpet created this ad, which appeared in newspapers throughout the state.

Bulging Nubile Breasts Command Attention to Statutory Rape


This campaign baffles.

Truth Gets Cute, Sings Songs, Introduces MAGIC!

“A Magical Amount” by Arnold starts out like a typical Truth ad — with cigarette traps, a bullhorn and a bamboozled-looking group of people — then at some point a unicorn showed up, and then there was singing, and……

MTV Puts Modern Spin on Holocaust Horrors


For Think MTV (MTV’s conscience?), Arnold put together two takes on what the Holocaust would be like if it happened today. Tagline: “The Holocaust happened to people like us.”

Dell and Microsoft Join Forces, Go (Red) — but Why?


We hate the (Red) campaign.

But it doesn’t matter what we think, because it marches on for reasons beyond the realms of human understanding.

Rascal Flatts Says Milk Rocks. Do You Care?

We’re not really sure who Rascal Flatts is. But they think milk rocks, and that’s cool with us. “Milk Rocks” is a contest that will be promoted online and on milk cartons nationwide, as well as on school lunchroom…

PETA Rides UGC for Big In on Open Apps Craze

Loath to miss out on the open applications hype but too lazy (or busy hunting?) to build one, PETA is hosting a contest for people keen to develop a Facebook or OpenSocial app promoting PETA or its campaigns. (Does…