Try Feeding Starvin’ Marvin with a Gold Lion. Oh Look. You Can’t.


Toward its goal of creating “social advertising that actually makes a difference,” Osocio sent us what looks like a hand-drawn print in which grinning creatives in suits stand around bearing trophies while people around them starve and emaciate.

Lancia, Noble Peace Laureates Summit Drums Up Love for Suu Kyi


Vehicle mark Lancia partnered with the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates to demonstrate support Aung San Suu Kyi.

At Least Derek Beckles Isn’t in These Truth Commercials


In a new Arnold-created campaign, truth did some fake job interviews with real people.

No H8 Fails to Knock Prop 8 Off Podium


Last year California passed Prop 8, which bans same-sex marriage within the state.

Custom Kicks Share Carbon Footprint Stories


There’s this cute little “climate change art group” called The Canary Project, which in turn is working on something called Green Patriot Posters, which looks to me like kids marketing climate change awareness in various ways.

Support Your Vet. No, Not the One Who Spays Pets.


The Ad Council just released a slew of Saatchi & Saatchi-created PSAs that encourage families to engage in conversation with veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Child Pornographers Should Be Hung by Their Balls


Ever want to beat the shit out of someone? You will after watching this commercial.

Pfizer Defends Merits of Dead Rat with (Over)Informative Making-Of


Earlier this year, Pfizer released an ad meant to discourage people from buying prescription drugs from unregulated sources like the ‘net.

Students Urged to Take Action For Darfur


JWT Toronto has created a new commercial for STAND (Students Take Action Now Darfur) which follows a boy and his family as his village is attacked and the boy is killed while his brother looks on.

Cool Tobacco Peeps Publish Nikoteen For Young Hipsters


Kelliher Samets Volk has launched Nikoteen, an online magazine to help the Vermont Department of Health expose the apparently deceptive marketing practices of tobacco companies.

Because Watching Kids Cry Just Never Gets Old


Your tax dollars at work. Hey, pushing a kid to emotional breaking-point is small potatoes compared to all that guilt equity! the New York State Health Department will raise among smokers for the 5.5 minutes they could be spending with a cancer stick.

Kiera Knightley Takes Beating In Women’s Aid PSA


In this PSA for Women’s Aid, Kiera Knightley gets together with her Atonement director Joe Wright to create this two minute video about domestic violence.

Black Battles White For Green Obama Girl


So where’s Obama Girl when you need her smile to cheer you up? She’s in yet another Barely Political video pimping a new environmental effort America’s Greenest Campus.

Amnesty International Takes Pulp Comic Tack


Vaguely Russian kitsch and vaudevillian melodrama infuse this new spot for Amnesty International/Portugal.

‘It’s Called Earth Hour. And it Promises to Be One of the Hugest Turn-Offs Imaginable.’


Janeane Garofalo, who’s cool in a dicey sort of way, lends her spokeswoman clout to the World Wildlife Federation’s Big Turn Off.

Anti-Suicide Folk Bring Sudden End to Songs, TV Shows


Suicide Action Montreal needed to get its message of suicide prevention out to a jaded province.

Nudity + Cause = PETA Ad Campaign


You know, we need a name for this soon to be overused math equation headline style.

Elephant Makes Unwanted Airport Landing


If the International Fund for Animal Welfare had their way, Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey wouldn’t have elephants in their circus.

The Internet Makes Bullying Really Easy


Alas, internet or no internet, kids will be kids and kids will be cruel. It’s not right but it’s just the way it is.

The Homestead is a House of Cards, Say Radiohead and Shelter

Two days ago we mentioned Radiohead was donating one of its songs to a homeless shelter. Last night we got the footage. The song is Videotape from In Rainbows, but the ad itself is called “House of Cards” –…