Zeid Nasser, Founder of AdBlgArabia and mediaME, at Cannes Lions 2009

Entrance into Cannes Lions 2009 Exhibition & Shortlists Gallery area

Cannes Lions T-shirts for sale

Scenes from an Award ceremony

More scenes from Award show

Awards Show Ends

And that’s when I get my chance to get onto this impressive stage

People streaming out of Awards hall after the show

Some winners with their “Lions” posing on the red carpet

Global warming melts the ice caps, in Cannes!

Bob Geldof speaks at launch of Kofi Anan’s “Tck Tck Tck” campaign

Maurice Levy of Publicis speaks to Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google

Scenes from one of the Workshop/Seminars held in a casual setting

The Press Room at Cannes Lions. Free Internet & Coffee for press!

The Microsoft Advertising lounge. Free Internet for all, no coffee

The Young Lions Competition area

Stunning interactive ‘touch & drag’ screen featuring the Cannes programme
Tags: mediaME at Cannes, Lions 2009