Seventh Generation "Vajingle" (2016) 1:40 (USA)

72andSunny and Seventh Generation got SNL alum (and Bridesmaids, etc) Maya Rudolph to sing about her vagina. And also about tampons. And not having chemical tampons. In her vagina. Because chemical vaginas are a no-no.
“Who needs that shiz in their lady biz? Not me!” she says. Which is the only part I really remember. Because one thing this spot could have used is a backing track. Because without one it seems like production did a warm up take just to get the mic levels, probably while the creatives were having to rewrite a script for the millionth time. A script that wasn’t ever going to get used because Maya Rudolph.
Let’s be honest here: this isn’t a TV spot or a “film.” This is radio masquerading as TV. Because there was absolutely no reason to film Maya Rudolph standing in a kitchen. Also, had it been radio, we would have been spared 40 extra seconds, which would have made this at leasta decent 60. In radio.. But at least the spot had an insight, which is a new thing for 72!
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