An Inability To Communicate

I’m a dude. A guy. A man. Whatever you want to call it. And with the 14th of this month upon us I know a lot of us are trying to figure out what to get our loved ones, do we go for the extravagant or the deeply personal? A weekend getaway to Paris or a simple something like a letter to the loved one in our life?
A lot of guys find it hard to express themselves, but none of us should ever, in my humble opinion resort to this.
Brian Alex writes love songs on request for people. What an idea! Part of me is like “This guy is brilliant!” because it’s textbook stuff, take a gap in the market (the inability of the Y chromosome-d being to suitably verbalise his feelings) and offer a service that solves the problem.
But c’mon who would pay between $2000-$25,000 for this!?! It’s kind of sad that people would pay that much for it. What ever happened from straight from the heart? Not-straight-from-my-wallet-to-his-heart-and-now-back-to-you-and-by-the-way-I-love-you-so-much.
But hey that’s just me. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone :)

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