Juventus: Don’t Sit and Watch

Juventus in collaboration with We Are Social Milan are to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women by creating ‘Don’t Sit and Watch’ – a campaign which involved turning one in three seats in the Allianz Stadium orange, representing the one in three women who endure violence in their lifetime – to inspire people to take positive action to end violence against women.

Video of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women | #DontSitAndWatch #OrangeTheWorld

Louis Vuitton: Holiday House

From childhood games, to snowy ski slopes and convivial dancefloors, viewers are drawn into the warm embrace of the Holiday season. Families sit down to exchange gifts, while friends gather to toast the night’s festivities — a reminder of the spirit of the season of giving and togetherness. Amidst “Holiday House’s” enchanting scenes, Louis Vuitton’s savoir-faire and latest creations shine.

Video of Louis Vuitton’s Holiday House | LOUIS VUITTON

Meijer: Someday

Full-service ad agency The Distillery Project (TDP) has created a holiday brand campaign for retailer Meijer. The earnest and reflective spot highlights the value of family and the lasting memories we create together while reevaluating what the holidays mean and what’s truly important in 2021. Ultimately, it relays the idea that traditions carried on from childhood keep the magic and love of the holidays alive for generations and are proof that love is timeless.

Video of Meijer | Someday

Away Launches Passport Scholarship Fund to Help Students Explore the World

The travel industry has had a rocky year and a half, in no small part due to ongoing health concerns posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, even as international voyages make a comeback in a big way, cost of travel can pose a barrier for many. With an awareness of the way that lack of…

Twitter Adds Images, Videos to Its Private Information Policy

Twitter’s private information policy already prohibited the posting of people’s private information–such as address, identification and phone numbers–along with threatening to do so or incentivizing other people to do so. The social network added private media to the mix in an update revealed Tuesday. The company explained in a blog post Tuesday, “There are growing…

Twitter for Professionals: How to Hide Your Business Category

Twitter allows businesses and other professionals to switch to a business account, which gives them access to new features. When users switch to a Twitter for Professionals account, they’re asked to choose a category that best fits their account. This category will be displayed on the user’s profile by default, but users can hide their…

Watch the newest commercials from Best Buy, Walgreens, Pizza Hut and more

Best Buy shows how its same-day delivery service helped save the holidays for one forgetful shopper.

Cannes Lions Adds ‘Creative B2B’ Category for 2022

As the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity plans to return to being an in-person event in June 2022 after two years of remote programming, the awards program has announced a new category dedicated to b-to-b marketing. The Creative B2B Lion has been “several years in the making,” said Philip Thomas, chairman of Cannes Lions,…

Working at a Nonprofit Should Be as Cool as Working at Google

When I first told people I was pursuing my nonprofit full time after graduation, the common response was: “Why would you want to work for a nonprofit? You won’t make any money.” I usually replied: “It’s not about the money. I’m doing this to change lives.” Though I tried to brush it off, the thought…

LinkedIn Adds LinkedIn Live, Newsletters to Creator Mode

Members using LinkedIn Creator Mode will gradually gain access to LinkedIn Live and newsletters. The professional network said in a blog post Tuesday that LinkedIn Live enables members to broadcast content directly on their profiles and interact with their audience in real-time, helping to drive deeper engagement and establish creators as thought leaders. And newsletters…

France Television: The sofa

The Winter Olympics are coming and this spot dramatizes just how close the games will feel, thanks to France television.

Video of Winter Olympics- France Télévisions

Roladin: Umbrellas

It’s Hanukkah time! Roladin the leading Bakery & Patisserie in Israel launch the 2021 Sufganiyot Collection with a new umbrellas collection campaign. Sufganiyot is a Jewish doughnut and it’s a traditional food/dessert eaten at Hanukkah the “Jewish Christmas.”

Government of Québec: Watch out Covid-19

The vaccination for the 5-11 years old is started; watch the kids scare the shit out of covid-19and get a grip back on life.

British Competition Authority Rules Meta Must Sell Giphy

Meta Platforms, previously Facebook, has been ordered to sell digital platform Giphy by the British competition watchdog which has ruled that the $400 million merger “has resulted or would result in a substantial lessening of competition.” The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has said that the merger that was announced in May 2020 is anticompetitive…

Discovery+ Debuts New Brand Campaign as It Looks to Disprove the Doubters

Discovery+ is happy to prove the haters wrong. As it nears its first anniversary, the streaming service, which debuted last January into an already crowded streaming video landscape, has helped bring Discovery to a total count of 20 million direct-to-consumer subscribers, according to the company’s latest public disclosures. (Discovery lumps Discovery+ subscribers together with the…

Twitter: How to Switch to a Business Profile

Twitter allows businesses, content creators and other professionals to switch to a business account, which gives them access to new tools. Our guide will show you how to switch to a business profile from within the Twitter mobile application. Note: These screenshots were captured in the Twitter app on iOS. Step 1: Tap your profile…

Facebook owner Meta must sell Giphy on competition concerns, U.K. says

The company bought Giphy in 2020 for $315 million.

NBA Top Shot NFTs jump from online into real world

Infinite Objects, a startup that frames NFTs, is creating a way for collectors to display their digital basketball cards.

Corona anuncia ilha paradisíaca no Caribe e promoção que leva brasileiros para experiências exclusivas


A cerveja Corona acaba de anunciar para 2022 a abertura da Ilha Corona, um paraíso reservado para que as pessoas possam se desligar da rotina do dia a dia e se reconectar com a natureza. O destino fica localizado no coração do mar caribenho, e busca celebrar a essência 100% natural da cerveja, que é …

Leia Corona anuncia ilha paradisíaca no Caribe e promoção que leva brasileiros para experiências exclusivas na íntegra no B9.

Budweiser lança versões NFTs de suas latas de cerveja e aposta no “Budverso”


Na última segunda-feira (29), a Budweiser lançou seus primeiros tokens não fungíveis (NFTs) e entrou na onda das artes digitais. O projeto “Budverse Cans Heritage Edition” contempla uma coleção de 1.936 opções de NFTs e o número escolhido é uma homenagem ao ano em que a cerveja foi vendida em latas pela primeira vez. Segundo o …

Leia Budweiser lança versões NFTs de suas latas de cerveja e aposta no “Budverso” na íntegra no B9.