5 Things We Learned During Amazon’s Earnings Call That Weren’t Free One-Day Shipping

Free one-day shipping dominated the conversation during Amazon’s quarterly earnings call Thursday, but it wasn’t the only takeaway. Here’s what else we learned: 1. Amazon Advertising will provide more intel. Brian Olsavsky, senior vice president and chief financial officer, would not address questions about ad loads and inventory but said Amazon is experiencing “good advertising…

Children With Fetal Alcohol Disorder Confront the Idea of ‘Safe’ Drinking During Pregnancy

While every reasonable person knows heavy drinking during pregnancy is dangerous, one advocacy group believes that our culture is becoming too comfortable with the idea of moderate drinking by expectant moms. Proof Alliance, a Minnesota-based group dedicated to preventing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, has released a potent new campaign from agencies Colle McVoy, 10 Thousand…

Cervejaria Goose Island recolhe mais de 7 toneladas de vidro em bares para promover descarte correto

A Cervejaria Goose Island fez uma parceria com a startup Green Mining para ajudar no descarte correto das embalagens de vidro em Pinheiros, bairro de São Paulo com uma grande concentração de bares. Muitos bares e restaurantes da região acabam não descartando as embalagens de vidro de forma correta, tanto por uma questão de logística …

O post Cervejaria Goose Island recolhe mais de 7 toneladas de vidro em bares para promover descarte correto apareceu primeiro em B9.

Amazon prepara serviço de streaming de música para competir com Tidal

Às vezes o foco da guerra dos streamings é tamanho no audiovisual que alguns podem esquecer que uma briga de igual volatilidade se desenrola no mundo da música. E tem até novo jogador querendo uma fatia deste mercado: depois do Prime Music e do Music Unlimited, a Amazon pelo visto está planejando agora criar um …

O post Amazon prepara serviço de streaming de música para competir com Tidal apareceu primeiro em B9.

Presidente Bolsonaro proíbe uso de termos LGBTQ+ em campanhas estatais

No começo da semana, o presidente Jair Bolsonaro censurou uma campanha do Banco do Brasil por ter “diversidade demais”. No vídeo, jovens negros protagonizaram um comercial que mirava comunicar-se com o público jovem. Posteriormente, o diretor de comunicação e marketing do BB acabou demitido. Logo em seguida, o presidente determinou que qualquer campanha estatal exija …

O post Presidente Bolsonaro proíbe uso de termos LGBTQ+ em campanhas estatais apareceu primeiro em B9.

Maurício de Sousa cria pôster especial para “Stranger Things”

A Netflix divulgou um pôster especial de “Stranger Things”, criado por Maurício de Sousa. A arte foi apresentada pela plataforma de streaming em suas redes sociais, e faz parte da da divulgação da terceira temporada da série. Visualizar esta foto no Instagram. Quando a gente achava que Stranger Things já tinha batido todos os recordes …

O post Maurício de Sousa cria pôster especial para “Stranger Things” apareceu primeiro em B9.

Tazo Tea: The Most Fruitful Tea on Earth

Tazo Tea Print Ad - The Most Fruitful Tea on Earth
Tazo Tea Print Ad - The Most Fruitful Tea on Earth
Tazo Tea Print Ad - The Most Fruitful Tea on Earth

People crave the unexpected. Tazo Tea responds to this by adding a spark of surprising flavor to their tea through unique combinations of fruits from around the globe.

Durex: The Unskippable Part

Durex Print Ad - The Unskippable Part

Print ad to promote the use of condoms, showing people that are used to skipping the parts that come before the sexual relation, either online or in real life, that before sex, there is a part they can’t skip: putting their Durex condom on.

European Parliament: Choose Your Future – European Elections 23-26 May

Video of Choose Your Future – European Elections 23-26 May

Schwan's: Homemade Easy

Way before AmazonFresh, Shipt and Instacart, Schwan’s was providing quality mealtime options to households across the nation in their iconic yellow delivery trucks. 60-plus years later, Schwan’s is eager to claim their seat at the modern dining table — that’s why they called on Periscope to help modernize and meet the needs of younger, busy families with their first-ever TV spot and campaign.

Protege Group: Protege Surveillance System

Protege Group Print Ad - Protege Surveillance System

Texas Pete: Sauce Like You Mean It

Video of Texas Pete – Sauce Like You Mean It

Video of Texas Pete – Sauce Like You Mean It

‘Almost Famous’ Musical to Open in San Diego

The work, based on Cameron Crowe’s Academy Award-winning screenplay, will open the Old Globe’s 2019-20 season in September.

Mountain Dew and Kevin Hart Are Giving People the Day Off, and Filling in for Them at Work

Mountain Dew wants to give people a bit of extra vacation with its new campaign, with the help of a few friendly (and famous) faces. In the new campaign, “D.T.O.” (Dew Time Off), celebrities and athletes (starting with actor and comedian Kevin Hart) surprise everyday Mountain Dew drinkers at work and fill in for them…

Amazon Prime Members Are About to Get Free One-Day Delivery

Amazon dropped a bombshell during its Q1 earnings call on Thursday–free two-day shipping with Amazon Prime is about to become free one-day shipping. In a Q&A with analysts, Amazon’s senior vice president and chief financial officer Brian Olsavsky said the company has “significantly expanded our one-day eligible selection and also expanded the number of ZIP…

Pepsi processa fazendeiros indianos por plantarem suas batatas

Surpreendeu a todos a notícia de que a PepsiCo estaria processando um grupo de fazendeiros indianos por… plantar batatas. Apesar de ser um dos grandes nomes do mercado de refrigerantes, a PepsiCo também é uma importante figura no mercado de batatas, sendo dona por exemplo da marca Lays. O processo ocorre pois os indianos estão …

O post Pepsi processa fazendeiros indianos por plantarem suas batatas apareceu primeiro em B9.

Facebook proíbe interferência externa em propagandas políticas

Para proteger a “integridade das eleições”, o Facebook informou que impedirá que propagandas políticas sejam veiculadas em diferentes países. A partir de agora, só será possível impulsionar uma publicação com conteúdo político se você o fizer de dentro do país onde esse político ou partido atue. A medida vale tanto para o Facebook, quanto para …

O post Facebook proíbe interferência externa em propagandas políticas apareceu primeiro em B9.

YWCA Montreal Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Youth: Don't get bought off

YWCA Montreal

To warn young girls of the dangers of pimp’s gifts on IG, we hijacked Instagram shopping tags on International Women’s Day.

Advertising Agency:DDB Montreal, Canada
Executive Creative Director: Sann Sava
Art Directors: Félix-Antoine Brunet, Mélissa Charland
Copywriter: Olivier Giguère
Photographer: Jimmi Francoeur
AssistantPhotographer:Yanick Founier
Production House:Morrison Films
MUA:Amélie Bruneau-Longpré
Set Designer:Marie Christine Boivin-Fournier
Retoucher:Marie-Élaine Doiron
Font Foundry:Pangram Pangram
Account team:Alice Labous, Inès Khadr,   Madjid Hamidi
Strategist:Hugo Martin-Bonneville
Pr:Miriam Valcin
Webmaster:Jessica Boily

TENA: I Will Be Me


Secret’s out
1 in 3 women have incontinence

Advertising Agency:AMV BBDO, UK

Burger King: BK Injuries

Burger King

Burger King rolls out a new print media campaign with the tag “We warned you it was big.” In its signature tongue-in-cheek tone, the brand pokes fun at the exaggerated size of some of their own sandwiches such as Mega Stacker and Whopper, showing in video x-ray images of the faces of some real customers that had trouble taking such wide bite. The campaign is a DAVID SP creation.

Advertising Agency:DAVID, São Paulo, Brazil
Managing Director:Sylvia Panico
Creative Vp:Rafael Donato
Creative Director:Edgard Gianesi
Copywriter:Bernardo Tavares, Maicon Silveira
Art Director:Paulo Damasceno
Account:Carolina Vieira, Rafael Giorgino, Juliana Chediac, Roberta Magalhães
Plannning:Daniela Bombonato, Carolina Silva, Bruno Gomiero
Media:Marcia Mendonça, Mateus Madureira, Felipe Braga, Renata Oliveira, Rafael Salles
Estudio:Malagueta Studio
Executive Producer:Marcello Baltazar
Client Approval:Ariel Grunkraut, Thais Nicolau, Bruna Yoshida, Mariana Santos, Stephanie Pellin