Blind Item: Girls Allowed Into Geeky Boys’ Club
Posted in: UncategorizedWhich industry is more sexist: advertising or tech?
For today’s quick non-Super Bowl blind item: an unnamed West Coast shop is hosting a “makers” event for geek-ish programmers, etc. in order to spark some innovation.
Said agency wants everyone to know that the event will be “amazingly cool” and that even gross girls can come…if they so choose.
How could any tech-savvy lady not respond to such a charming invite?
What Facebook's Acquisition of Video Startup Quickfire Means For Marketers
Posted in: UncategorizedThe social networking mogul Facebook took over the video startup QuickFire. The acquisition was officially announced on the QuickFire website last Thursday. In case you missed it, here are the details and what we know so far.
What is QuickFire?
In the words Craig Y. Lee, QuickFire CEO, ‘QuickFire Networks was founded on the premise that the current network infrastructure is not sufficient to support the massive consumption of video that’s happening online without compromising on video quality. QuickFire Networks solves this capacity problem via proprietary technology that dramatically reduces the bandwidth needed to view video online without degrading video quality.’
The founder of the San Diego based company has said to be ‘thrilled to help deliver high quality video experiences to all the people who consume video on Facebook’.
Why is Facebook Interested?
Coincidentally, the announcement of the takeover comes days after it’s been made known that Facebook averaged more than 1 billion video views every day. Video is now an essential part of the Facebook experience. Not sure about this? Think about the #IceBucketChallenge. This viral campaign alone saw 2.4 million ice-bucket related videos on Facebook. There is a lot of power behind such explosive campaigns that take over the internet community, and the Zuckerberg team are ready to make the most of it.
So why is Facebook interested in QuickFire? For one, videos present a great opportunity for Facebook to increase their revenue as well as make profits from advertising. A recent tweak in the Facebook algorithm means that the more videos you watch, the more of them will appear on your News Feed.Facebook is really trying (and managing) to convince users to upload videos directly to the networking site instead of uploading them on to YouTube first, and then sharing the link on Facebook. By bypassing the middle man (YouTube) and Facebook ensures that they have control over what you watch and of course, what ads you see.
Secondly, video is obviously a great new gap in the social media arena and Facebook are making sure they have the competitive edge, for as long as they can. With YouTube rumoured to be courting top creative talent and Twitter developing a video product of their own, it is clear that Facebook has taken a step forward to addressing this new trend by ensuring they have the technology they need.
What Does That Mean For Us?
There are 2 major implications for the user side of this acquisition. For one, we expect to be seeing a lot more videos on our News Feeds, from both friends and brands.
From a business and advertiser point of view, we can see this acquisition majorly changing the way we see and use Facebook for outreach. In terms of advertising, it will now be much more complex, much more engaging and targeted, and presumably, much more expensive.
We are looking forward to see what Facebook, QuickFire and the future have in store for us!
This guest article was written by InTouch CRM Content and Digital Marketing Executive Didi Zheleva.
McDonald's Unveils Endearing Super Bowl Ad, and Finally Reveals Its Mystery Currency
Posted in: Uncategorized
With no shortage of new advertising coming from McDonald’s (for better or worse), it can’t come as much of a surprise that it’s joined Super Bowl lineup, too.
Following a teaser earlier in the week that suggested customers would soon have a new way to pay at McDonald’s, the chain has now unveiled the full spot from Leo Burnett—explaining the mystery currency.
Check it out below.
With this spin on the “I’m lovin’ it” idea, McDonald’s is putting its money where its mouth is. Instead of cash, it asks random patrons to pay by showing acts of love—calling their mom, hugging, doing a dance or praising their friends and family. The idea will extend to some real-world stores through Valentine’s Day.
It’s certainly a cute and wholesome idea. I hope they come to Adweek’s local McDonald’s on 4th Avenue and St. Mark’s Place, where everyone could really use some more lovin’.
I also wonder how will this go over in Nevada, one of the few places where it’s already legal to pay with lovin’.
Skechers Taps Pete Rose for Super Bowl Ad
Posted in: UncategorizedSkechers will be in the Super Bowl for the fifth time with an ad featuring baseball legend Pete Rose.
The 15-second ad features Mr. Rose poking fun at the fact that he’s banned from the Baseball Hall of Fame. He walks down a hallway in his home that is stocked with baseball memorabilia — in his Skechers Relaxed Fit shoes, of course.
“I am thrilled that people around the world will get to see me walk a hall even though it may not be THE Hall!” Mr. Rose said in a statement. “I can’t say the Super Bowl was on my bucket list, but I’m certainly glad to be there.”
Museum of Supernatural History Paper Art
Posted in: UncategorizedPour Hermès Maison Shanghai, les artistes français Zim & Zou, que nous avons déjà évoqués ici, ont travaillé pendant 3 mois sur la création de vitrines inspirées des cabinets de curiosités qu’on peut voir dans les Musées d’Histoire Naturelle. Tout en papier et en cuir, l’installation « Museum of Supernatural History » regroupe des animaux autour de deux thèmes : « l’air et l’eau » et « la terre ».
Agencies Ramp Up Super Bowl War Rooms for Content-Hungry Marketers
Posted in: UncategorizedIf marketers once resisted their agencies’ suggestions to staff a “war room” during the Super Bowl, the 2013 mid-game blackout put an end to that. Oreo’s quick tweet — “Power out? No Problem. You can still dunk in the dark” — showed that opportunities would be missed, and crises mishandled, if decision-makers spent Super Bowl Sunday at home or with friends. The annual national TV party had officially become a work day.
This year, Anheuser-Busch Inbev is maintaining four “war rooms” around the country, including half a floor at the New York office of Anomaly, its lead creative agency. There, the shop is housing client executives; staff from its own creative, production, communications strategy, social and account management groups; people from the brewer’s other social and media buying agencies; and representatives of media partners like Facebook and Google.
The beer giant is also assembling teams in Phoenix, at a hotel for Bud Light not too far from the stadium where the game will be played, and two at satellite campuses in St Louis, Mo., and Palo Alto, Calif.
Ogilvy New York Elevates Falusi to Chief Creative Officer
Posted in: UncategorizedOgilvy & Mather Advertising has elevated Executive Creative Director Corinna Falusi to Chief Creative Officer of the New York office. She assumes the role left vacant last August when Calle Sjoenell left the agency and joined Lowe Brindfors, Stockholm, in his native Sweden.
Ms. Falusi will report to Chris Garbutt, chief creative officer for all of Ogilvy & Mather’s New York holdings, which also include units such as OgilvyOne. Adam Tucker is president of Ogilvy Advertising in New York.
“Corinna was an obvious choice when deciding our new creative leadership structure within Ogilvy New York,” said Mr Garbutt. “Most importantly, she is universally respected by our agency and our clients.”
Suge Knight Arrested in Hit and Run
Posted in: UncategorizedOld Fashioned Soccer Jerseys
Posted in: UncategorizedLe designer italo-argentin Emilio Sansolini rend hommage aux plus grands clubs de foot avec une série d’illustrations imaginant ce que pourrait être leur maillot dans un style vintage et minimaliste. Tout ce qui encombre d’habitude un maillot a disparu pour laisser place au strict minimum. Du Real Madrid au PSG en passant par Manchester City, voici une série qui ravira tous les fans de ballon rond.
Agência brasileira imagina como seria um rebranding global da Xiaomi
Posted in: UncategorizedInspirada por estudos de caso como o do estudante Andrew Kim, que propôs um novo visual para a marca da Microsoft, a agência brasileira Neelkeen se propôs um interessante desafio: criar uma nova identidade para a gigante chinesa Xiaomi, tirando um pouco do ‘look and feel’ asiático e propondo algo mais global.
A Xiaomi é hoje considerada a 3ª marca de smartphone mais vendida no mundo, número elevadíssimo inclusive pela sua enorme presença no mercado asiático, que é bastante populoso. No entanto, a Xiaomi ainda mantém muito do seu lado oriental – por exemplo, atualmente a mascote da marca tem uma estrelinha vermelha no gorro. Qualquer semelhança com a bandeira da China não é acidental.
Em apenas 3 dias de trabalho focado, a Neelkeen criou o conceito “you and Mi”, que reforçaria o relacionamento dos consumidores com a marca Mi e traria um ar mais globalizado para a marca.
Um novo ícone, apelidado de “feedback infinito”, também representa a dinâmica dos fãs com a marca. Criado pelo designer Daniel Gouw, o pictograma pode ser compreendido por diversas culturas, o que ajuda a superar qualquer resistência que consumidores ocidentais venham a ter com produtos de origem chinesa. “Mais do que simplesmente internacionalizar o visual da marca, queríamos que o símbolo representasse a união entre a Mi e os seus fãs”, explica ele.
Os resultados podem ser conferidos no site, onde o estudo é apresentado.
Quem disse que apenas os gringos fazem bons trabalhos conceituais, não é mesmo?
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Mamilos 10 – A boa morte, rombo na Petrobrás, realitys bizarros e seca
Posted in: UncategorizedA comunidade mamileira se mobilizou e conseguiu unir o casting mais estrelado e especializado do Mamilos. Camila Appel, autora do blog Morte sem Tabu, dividiu a bancada com a pesquisadora Jussara Almeida e a médica especialista em cuidados paliativos Milena Reis para falar com poesia, sabedoria e carinho sobre a Indesejada de Todas as Gentes. Contamos ainda com a participação super especial do Dr João Figueiró.
Pra aquecer bora falar de catástrofe, roubalheira e bizarrice? Bora!
Taca-lhe o play nesse Mamilos 😉
01m45 Fala que eu te escuto
11m40 Trending Topics
35m00 Treta da Semana: A boa morte
1h31m45 Farol Aceso
Edição: Caio Corraini
Música: Norah Jones & Yann Tiersen
Críticas, elogios, sugestões para ou no
Errata 1%
A desigualdade vem caindo e o mundo nunca foi tão rico
Pare de colocar a culpa na desigualdade
Crise Hídrica
Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira Hídrica
Como fazer cisternas
Boletim Falta d’agua
Omissão Criminosa
Realitys Bizarros
Universo Fashion
Datena do Iraque
Rombo da Petrobrás
Um alerta sobre o ajuste fiscal
Ortotanásia e Cuidado Paliativo
Parecer jurídico autorizando a ortotanásia
Portal Testamento Vital
Registro Nacional de Testamento Vital
Definição de ortotanásia
Diferença entre eutanásia, ortotanásia e distanásia
Ortotanásia e o direito penal brasileiro
Tramitação da Lei para regulamentar a ortotanásia
Bioética da beira do leito
A morte é um dia que vale a pena viver
Sobre arrependimento
Blog Morte Sem Tabu
Casa do Cuidar – Práticas e ensinos em cuidados paliativos
Farol Aceso
Ju – O carrasco do Amor e Quando Nietzsche chorou
Cris – Mar adentro
Milena – Elsa & Fred, Amour e Jornada do Cuidado Paliativo
Camila – Six Feet Under e Morte sem tabu
Jussara – Still Alice
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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É assim que funciona o “Modo Insano” do novo carro da Tesla
Posted in: UncategorizedNo final do ano passado, a Tesla Motors apresentou seu mais recente veículo dual-motor Model S, e entre algumas das melhorias estava uma incrível capacidade de aceleração.
No chamado “Modo Insano”, é possível acelerar o carro de 0 a 95 ou 100 km/h em apenas 3,2 segundos. Para mostrar melhor o que isso significa, o canal do YouTube DragTimes gravou a experiência de diversas pessoas no banco do carona, enquanto o motorista utilizava o tal modo insano.
A sensação geral parece ser de uma montanha-russa surpresa. Repare na última cena do vídeo, como o celular da menininha vai parar no banco, por conta da velocidade. Impossível não sorrir ao ver as reações.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Áurea Delicious Desserts: Lion, Dinosaur
Posted in: Uncategorized
Advertising Agency:GT América, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Creative Director:Marcio Gazzola, Thiago Nietto
Art Director:Patricia Mendes
Copywriter:Lucas Pereira Damazio
Browser Maker Opera's Ad-Tech Arm Pays Brands $100,000 for Mobile Video Ads
Posted in: UncategorizedOpera Mediaworks, the ad-tech arm of browser-maker Opera Software, is handing out $100,000 to advertisers who commit to creating video ads specifically to run within a mobile site or app’s content feed.
Brands who have signed up for Opera’s Native Video Fund include Adidas, fast-food-chain owner CKE, General Motors, TV network History, consumer electronics maker Lenovo, game developer Machine Zone, Walt Disney Studios, anti-smoking organization Truth, the U.S. Navy and Viacom Entertainment Group.
Brands have to figure out how to get people’s attentions on smaller screens. That has led to top creative agencies like 72andSunny to “consider what our production practices are around producing for the mobile environment, because it is different,” said the agency’s chief production officer Tom Dunlap.
It's Official: Bud Light Won the Super Bowl of Teasers and Pre-Released Ads
Posted in: UncategorizedThe 12 Most Crucial Steps to Crafting a Killer Résumé
Posted in: UncategorizedCategory: Career Oxygen
Summary: Sometimes applying for jobs feels like casting baited hooks into murky waters in the hopes of catching a big fish. Similarly, applicants push résumés out to job boards and recruiters, eager to hook a recruiter and land an interview.
But with so many applications flowing into recruiters’ inboxes, how can job seekers make their résumés stand out in a sea of applicants? Here are 12 vital steps to creating a standout résumé: