Comcast Taps Auditude to Power Ads for Xfinity

CARLSBAD, Calif. ( — Comcast's Xfinity TV is the most ambitious attempt so far to transfer cable TV's business model, which relies on both subscription fees and ad revenue, to the web.

Most TV — Broadcast or Cable — Saw Ad Revenue Fall Last Year

NEW YORK ( — While the nation tuned in TV favorites such as "24," "Lost" and "The Biggest Loser," the majority of U.S. broadcast and cable networks tuned in ad-revenue declines in 2009, according to new full-year data from Kantar Media.

Deserres Art Store

Une campagne originale par l’agence Nolin BBDO Montreal pour les magasins De Serres, spécialisés en arts et loisirs. Elle exploite 3 oeuvres de Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein et Pierre Mondrian conçues avec 6500 stylos de couleurs, 600 bouteilles de peintures et 4500 crayons pastels.






Previously on Fubiz

What If Giving Up Your Brand Really Means Giving Up?

Before you move some of your surviving budget into a spiffy new social-media campaign and give up control of your brand to "the conversation," consider that you might be replacing your old-fashioned, excruciatingly commercial marketing with newfangled irrelevant nonsense.

Another Man’s Opinion: Woods Press Conference Was a Wasted Opportunity

My fellow columnist Peter Madden wrote a well thought-out piece on the effectiveness of Tiger Wood's apology event last week. Well thought-out, but off the mark as well. I don't think Woods gained much from his performance at all.

ChatRoulette: Humanos aleatórios… e (quase sempre) pelados


Desde o momento em que me mandaram o link do ChatRoulette, tive medo de clicar em “play”. Afinal, a disposição não era muito grande para, provavelmente, encarar alguma figura bizarra de qualquer parte do planeta. Uma semana depois de eu ter hesitado, o site criado por um programador russo de 17 anos de idade, Andrey Ternovskiy, já era chamado de fenômeno.

O funcionamento é simples: você aperta o play, habilita a sua webcam, e aleatoriamente alguém é escolhido para conversar com você. Ou não. E também não existe a menor garantia de que essa pessoa vai estar vestida.

Tudo ao vivo. Quando quiser ver/falar com outra pessoa, basta clicar em “next” e mais um estranho aparece na sua tela. Lembre-se: não necessariamente com roupas.

As possibilidades dessa roleta russa com vídeo ao vivo nos leva para um mundo de bizarros. Imagine ter um encontro as escuras a cada vez que clica em “next”, interações que duram segundos e raramente geram uma conversa com algum sentido.

O ChatRoulette faz uso de uma tecnologia que já existe há anos, e dispensa qualquer tipo de identificação e conexão com redes sociais. Qual é a graça então? Justamente o desconhecido. A aleatoriedade de clicar em “next” tem tornado a experiência nonsense em algo magneticamente viciante. E quem disse isso foi Sam Anderson, da New York Magazine, em um excelente artigo sobre esse shuffle humano.

Desnecessário alertar que o ChatRoulette é altamente proibitivo no trabalho, mas você pode se divertir com uma outra mania que o site gerou: colecionar screenshots das figuras estranhas que aparecem. De um homem vestido de onça, adolescentes com maquiagens bizarras, alguém fornicando com um alface, garotas se beijando, um cara de terno e gravata “trabalhando” em um café, nazistas, chineses, e claro, uma tonelada de masturbadores.

Com menos de 3 meses de existência, o site saltou de poucas pessoas online para mais de 100 mil usuários simultâneos. Polêmico e chocante, ChatRoulette é uma volta aos primórdios da internet. Sem seleção, avatares, curadoria ou qualquer coisa que o valha. Tire as crianças da sala.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Tebow Founds, Marijuana Dispensed, Moms Appreciated

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Tim Tebow now has a Foundation.
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Stop FGM now the viral video against female genital mutilation

Stop FGM now is fighting against female genital mutilation with Manon von Gerkan naked in this video.

Advertiser: Stop FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Agency: Heyman Brand de Gelmini, Berlin

Alvin and the Fraud Squad Squeak Out Credit Card Safety Message

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So what’s the latest and greatest in credit card fraud protection?
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Minnesota Lottery Gets Weird With Giants and Confetti

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OK. This is a little bit dirty.
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Big Swap Songs the free music album by Cadbury viral video

After the viral videos of the Gorilla and all the spoofs, the truck story at the airport, the eyebrown dance,
Cadbury with a glass and a half full is back with a new viral video to announce its free music album: Big Swap Songs.

You can download this free album Big Swap Songs here.


Street art: living mural video

Nice video with a street art performance on a wall…

Advertiser: US Census
Agency: Digital Kitchen

Public Invited to Improve GoDaddy Advertising

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While we are loathe to give GoDaddy any more publicity than it’s already achieved, our dedication to journalistic principles outweighs our knee jerk reaction to click delete on this one.
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Autotopsy Explores Car Crash Details

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Like to witness graphically horrific car accidents?
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Passion Pit – Little Secrets

Voici le nouveau clip du groupe de pop-rock Passion Pit, en provenance de Boston. Conçu sur le titre “Little Secrets”, il s’agit d’une vidéo dirigée par le photographe et réalisateur Timothy Saccenti. A découvrir en images et en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.



Previously on Fubiz

The Beauty of Female Genital Mutilation

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This very beautiful spot about very beautiful women calls attention to the horrific practice of female genital mutilation.
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Nielsen IAG PlaceViews Product-Placement Activity Report

"The Jay Leno Show" was the highest-scoring show and Coca-Cola the top brand in the latest Nielsen IAG PlaceViews product-placement activity report.

JCDecaux wins Reading Council contract

LONDON – Outdoor media owner JCDecaux has won a multimillion pound 15-year contract with Reading Council to provide bus shelters funded by advertising.

Google Revamps DoubleClick, Puts Own Name On It

NEW YORK ( — Google is rolling out a long-delayed upgrade to DoubleClick's core ad-serving technology — the world's largest — which places billions of ad impressions on thousands of sites each day.

Controversial Casket Calendars – European Rivals Duel Over Promo Calendars of Coffins and Women (VIDEO)

( Lindner, Poland’s largest casket manufacturing company, is challenging the death grip Italian coffin maker CofaniFunebri has exerted on controversial casket calendars, the promotional calendars that feature…