Publishers: Triumph From Within the Belly of the Content Beast!

Content went from being a prized asset to the cheap fuel needed to feed a "content-serving beast." but we see new ideas about how to thrive from within the belly this beast, aka the internet. Here are two, quite distinct examples that share two things in common.

Acxiom launches social media matching and targeting service

LONDON – Data services giant Acxiom has launched a service with the ability to identify whether a client’s customers are active in social media from their opted-in email addresses.

Honking Hooters Are Funny…Until They Don’t Honk Any Longer

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OK so the whole honking hooters thing is nothing knew but we find the application of the joke in this video urging women to get a mammogram to be both humorous and compelling.
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Why Axe Bet on Consumers for Global Twist Launch

BATAVIA, Ohio ( — Some might not see the Axe man as complicated. But for its newest global fragrance launch, the Unilever brand joined with London-based Face Co-Creation to recruit 25 college-age consumers to develop a fragrance that shows the Axe man can be complex — and evolve literally over time.

Ad Council Says Re-Learn Life Without Cigarettes

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Having viewed yet another truth interview commercial and made the decision not to bore you with it, we decided, instead, to share a different take on quitting smoking.
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Social media not a core part of marketing for most

LONDON – Less than a quarter of marketers have made social media a core part of their communications strategy, although budgets are set to significantly rise in 2010 among those using it, according to research by the IAB.

Funny Accents, Golfers Underwear, Copied Ads, Going Dutch

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Golfer John Daly says, “Slix boxer briefs are the most ridiculously comfortable underwear I’ve ever put on”
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Gordon Brown talks sport and student days in ShortList

LONDON – Gordon Brown reveals his less serious side in an interview with ShortList magazine, out tomorrow (Thursday).

How to monetise your blog with viral video advertising?

A lot of bloggers and publishers are wondering how they can monetise their blog with video content.

So here are my favourite top 10 solutions to monetise your blog with good video contents and even some viral videos.

As far as I know all these video advertising platforms are working on a CPV[…]

Cable Chiefs Dish on Controversy, Their Brands and Their Broadcast Rivals

LOS ANGELES ( — When cable chiefs gathered for the Hollywood Radio & Television Society on Tuesday, Ad Age was there to collect the sound bites. Do Viacom chiefs Sumner Redstone and Phillippe Dauman watch the controversial "Jersey Shore"? "Of course they do," said Van Toffler, president of MTV Networks Music, Films and Logo Group. "It's based on their summers in Jersey," he joked.

Michael Grade joins talent agency James Grant Group

LONDON – James Grant Group, the talent company that represents Ant and Dec and Piers Morgan, has appointed Michael Grade, former executive chairman of ITV, to the position of non-executive chairman.

Cleavage Not Allowed in Colorado Springs

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Ladies, if you possess the pulchritude necessary to form a significant amount of cleavage, you are not welcome in Colorado Springs.
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Colgate is the most recalled ad at launch of measurement service Nielsen IAG

LONDON – Y&R Paris’s Colgate ad featuring a tooth sensitivity test in a shopping mall was the most memorable of the last month, according to a new measurement service launched by The Nielsen Company today.

Murdoch’s paywalls are ‘antithetical to everything’ claims Guardian’s Rusbridger

LONDON – Rupert Murdoch’s decision to erect paywalls around News International’s portfolio of newspapers is “completely antithetical to the way everything is going,” and is likely to result in The Guardian becoming the biggest English-language newspaper in the world, according to GNM’s Alan Rusbridger.

Murdoch’s paywalls are ‘completely antithetical to everything’ claims Guardian’s Rusbridger

LONDON – Rupert Murdoch’s decision to erect paywalls around News International’s portfolio of newspapers is “completely antithetical to the way everything is going,” and is likely to result in The Guardian becoming the biggest English-language newspaper in the world, according to GNM’s Alan Rusbridger.

Nokia – The World’s Biggest Signpost

La marque Nokia présente ce dispositif réalisé fin 2009 à Londres : la mise en place d’une grue à plus de 50 mètres avec un panneau digital en forme de flèche “The World’s Biggest Signpost”. Une belle exécution afin de promouvoir le logiciel de géo-localisation pour mobiles OVI Maps.

Previously on Fubiz

Ribena to pilot Juiced Up product in schools

LONDON – Ribena’s decision to launch a healthier juice-based product specifically aimed at children and teens has been welcomed by brand experts.

IKEA estreia comercial reality show com The Kitchen Squad

IKEA Kitchen Squad

Prometendo acabar com cozinhas velhas e maltratadas, a IKEA estreia hoje no Reino Unido o primeiro comercial reality show. Prometendo sempre que ninguém sabia de nada, é claro, e nós sempre fingindo que acreditamos.

Cinco diferentes especialistas, entre designers, planejadores e instaladores, formam o IKEA Kitchen Squad, e a missão da equipe é invadir casas para “roubar” cozinhas. Tudo é tirado e montado em outro lugar (um estúdio) da mesma maneira que a cozinha original, e só o que o dono da casa encontra ao voltar é um telefone amarelo, avisando que recebeu a visita do IKEA Kitchen Squad.

IKEA Kitchen Squad

O primeiro episódio mostra justamente a reação da pessoa ao descobrir que sua cozinha foi extirpada da casa. E em outros dois programas temos a destruição do velho cômodo e construção de um novo, só com materiais da IKEA.

Durante a campanha, que começa hoje e vai até o fim de março, três casas serão invadidas, sempre com exibição no Channel 4 e conteúdo posterior no site da ação. A criação é da BMB.

My Media Week: Dom Williams, press director, Carat

A peek at the media diary of Carat’s press director Dom Williams

Climate change warning ad attracts political probe

LONDON – The Government’s ‘Bedtime Stories’ ad warning about the impact of climate change is to be investigated by the media regulator Ofcom after it received hundreds of complaints that it is political advertising.