Why Advertising on Perez Hilton Beats the Hell Outta TV
Posted in: UncategorizedWe’re about to rant a little more about why TV advertising has a lot of work to do if it wants to compete with the interwebs. As an example, we look at PerezHilton.com, and that site’s extreme over-whoring of its white space. Since we tend to generalize about things of this nature, bear with us as we explain why we think Perez is a better buy (when the shoe fits) than your typical prime-time 30-second spot.
1. TV is incredibly difficult to track even with things like Neilsen ratings. Sure, the TV is on, and it’s on the show your client paid a gajillion dollars to squeeze your semi-decent ad into, but is little Sally watching or momma Jane? Compare that to Perez, where your ad will stay up for a whole 24 hours — and there’s nothing else but your ad because Perez whores his site out like any evil genius would. Thanks for the niftiness of the interwebs, understanding who is clicking through is automatically tattoed into history thanks to cookies.
2. TV’s reach, compared to (i.e) putting a skin on PerezHilton.com, where you can guarantee x million people will see your ad, all day can’t come close to Perez. Look at American Idol, where (even if) x million people watch, they’ll only see the spot for 30 seconds two or three times during a 60-minute show — and who knows whether they’re grabbing a bag of chips or changing the laundry over, or if they’re even in your client’s demo. Not to mention our awesome “TV-ad ignoring skills” which have been culled throughout our measly little lives.
3. Which costs more to produce: a 30 second spot or a banner?
4. Originality may be dead, but there’s still a lot to be seen in Web ads. Take the current campaign Perez is hosting, for the upcoming Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson flick, BrideWars — a film the blogger will undoubtedly have much to talk about because, duh, celebrity. Not only will the stories run (assuming here) concurrently with the film, but the ads on his page (though somewhat obtrusive) are kinda fun — who wouldn’t want to see two brides beating one another down in a battle royale? OK that’s a stretch, but mild-entertainment is more than bland oblivion.
5. No more car ads. Originality is especially dead in this category, and surely Mr. Hilton would only allow some cool new Scion work to make it through the filter. So with Perez, you’ll never see “Saved by Zero” or any of the x-million redundant “car swerves sexily around desolate parking lot” pieces we’ve been tortured with.
6. Low competition from other ads means your work will stand out. You won’t see an ad for Rogaine next to your Head and Shoulders banner, because that’s just not how things work with Mr. H. He does it classy, with just one campaign (talking skins here).
7. You can’t click on a TV ad to learn more about it.
OK, so you’re thinking, “I hate Perez Hilton” or maybe you dislike the skins/banners think. But lately, we’re about choice and TV gives you only one option for opting out of ads (other than changing the channel) and we’re not willing to pay for DVR or TiVo. We can choose not to look at Hilton’s ads. Furthermore, there are plenty of other sites with as many viewers (or more) that offer similar ad space, a clear-cut audience, and most importantly the opportunity to let your brand stand out in ways that TV just can’t. Thoughts? Comments? Share!
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