Verizon Liked This R/GA Jamie Foxx Video So Much That They Ran It as a TV Spot

During the NBA Finals, Verizon debuted a spot starring Jamie Foxx from agency R/GA called “I Got Verizon.” The 30-second spot features Jamie Foxx rapping as Future‘s father, who, naturally, is named Past.

Sources tell us that the ad was never meant to run on TV but that the client saw it and liked it so much that they fast-tracked it and bought air time. Media coverage ensued for a completely unplanned PR win.

It’s goofy stuff indeed, but it does make for a somewhat memorable execution of the brand’s “There’s only one America’s best network.” Although not necessarily in a good way. For Foxx, meanwhile, the character doesn’t exactly live up to his performance in Django Unchained. Come to think of it, it’s been a couple of years since we’ve heard from the actor.

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