Telia iPhone launch in Sweden defaces newspapers property – is interpreted as bomb threat.

“It is, of course, unacceptable that someone puts graffiti on private property. We are often threatened, which made us react strongly to this.” says Sydsvenskans editor in chief Jonas Gruvö in an article at Sydsvenskan

Arriving at work yesterday morning everyone at the Sydsvenskan newspaper were met with the numbers 08.07.11 00:00:01 on the steps to their office building. A countdown? To what exactly? Those not hip to knowing it’s the release date of the iPhone in Sweden saw the countdown as something far more sinister.

You can see a nice huge image of the steps here at Resumé (I tried getting it, but could not afford it. Thanks Ove Jonsson @ Sydsvenskan for the help though) and it does look quite odd with ‘countdown’ numbers on the steps to a major newspaper like that.
PS Communication executed and created the spray-tagging campaign for Telia and struck in the middle of the night. Nils Djurklou, PR at Telia, apologizes for the tagging “This happened on their private property, which is very unfortunate. They [Sydsvenskan] saw it as a potential threat. We’ve apologized and removed the graffiti” he said to Resumé. Djurklou also stated to Sydsvenskan that the graffiti vanishes after a few days, and should only be placed on public – not private – property. Sydsvenskan has – sadly – decided not to report the tagging to the police. For once I’d like to see someone do that, just to see what the result might be.

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