SNL Shows Housewives All the Fun They Could Be Having While Not Watching the Super Bowl

One of the things Saturday Night Live does best is skewer advertising tropes, so it’s no surprise that in last night’s pre-Super Bowl episode, the show did just that. With a parody Totino’s ad, no less. 

In the spot, Vanessa Bayer gamely plays a bored housewife who doesn’t know what to do with herself after she’s served her hubby (host J.K. Simmons) and his pals their snacks for the Big Game. Enter Totino’s Super Bowl Activity Kit for Women.  

The skit makes fun of ads that play up the role of a doting wife for the Big Game. It helps, too, that the activity pack looks like something Hasbro would make—with a top, a set of jacks and other kid’s toys inside.

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