Smelly Old Clothes Raise Money For Smelly Old People


What’s that stupid saying? What’s old is new again? No. No, it’s not. Old is old. Old is tired. Old is dilapidated and smelly. Unless of course you are a fashion hound who can’t get enough vintage clothing and are too insensitive to realize assisting the elderly poor is something you should do without having to be persuaded by a stupid marketing stunt.

But, sadly, some people need a stupid stunt to get them off their hipster asses and actually give a shit about something. So Shorashim, an Israeli group that helps elderly people in need, created Roots, a second hand fashion brand because, well, young people like smelly old clothes and if that’s the only thing that gets them to care about the elderly then that’s what the brand’s agency, McCann Digital, had to do.

So the agency created Roots, a retail brand that took all the old clothes the elderly didin’t need anymore, applied some fashionista marketing complete with photoshoots with famous Israeli model and an online store and BOOM, young people who don’t give a shit about old people suddenly came to the aid of the elderly without even knowing it.

According to the case study video, enough money was raised for 1,400 holiday meals.

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