Random poll: I need your input on BANNER AD SUPPORT dear adgrunts
Posted in: UncategorizedHeya, adgrunts.
It used to be that y’all hated banner as more than life itself. You told me so more than thrice.
It used to be pretty cool to just log in and not see them. It used to be that everyone reckoned it was a good idea to support a service with a coin or three to help it survive.
Now I wonder if things haven’t changed. Would you think it was cool to watch ads (as in, the collected commercials of the 42000 strong commercial archive) for FREE, if only there was a twenty second ad that you didn’t ask for, that you had to watch before it? And a bunch-a ads around it? Like, banners everywhere! Some even . How about if you could pay to get away from that mess and meet the serene ad-free advertising archive that you meet today when upgrading, not even a single text-ad bugging you? Would that be cool, sortof like an opt-out option?
The only reason I’m asking is because traffic and want clearly needs me to upgrade on the servers and bandwidth, but if we can’t figure out a way to pay for this together. Well, it sadly won’t happen. I’d much prefer to make things happen, man.
So I’d REALLY like to know what adgrunts think today about it. I’m guessing peoples minds might have changed but I’m not sure.
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