NBC Sacks 8-way Superbowl Ad

NBC representatives say the eight-way superbowl ad deal with Los Angeles-based ad shop Cesario Migliozzi will not happen, according to Adweek. The so-called spot would cost each advertiser an estimated $395,000 &#151 covering the $3 million for NBC’s ad space and an additional $160,000 for creative.

But, what would an 8-way-ad look like, anyway? We surmise the difficulty in executing such a feat was part of NBC’s decision to deny. Seth Winter, senior vp sports and Olympics sales at NBC said, “We’ve not given them permission, and there is no way we are going to.”

To us, this is another example of how TV advertising is a ginormous waste of money. Yeah, it’s the superbowl, but dropping $395,000 to share ad space with seven brands &#151 each with its own message &#151 well let’s just say we wouldn’t envy the agency charged with making all of them happy. And doing it on budget.

Inevitably, at least one of the clients would be of the type that was stretching his budget to be part of the project &#151 and his concern for how his money was being spent would be the wrench that ruined it all. Kudos to NBC for stopping this before it got started. Though, we would love to see the train wreck.

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