Miami Ad School Student Parodies Ridiculous Bob Dylan Chrysler Ad
Posted in: UncategorizedChances are you were watching Sunday night when Bob Dylan actually asked, in a Chrysler ad reaching over 100 million people, “Is there anything more American than America?”
It stands out, amidst stiff competition, as the most ridiculous line uttered during the barrage of Super Bowl advertising. The rest of the spot almost doesn’t even matter, since all people will remember is that one terrible line that begs to be parodied. And now it has been. A not as of yet identified Miami Ad School student created this parody using the footage from the Chrysler spot, dubbed with their best Dylan impression waxing ridiculous on America. With lines like, “Cuz ‘American’ is America’s adjective, and sometimes it’s a noun for people in America” and “Being an American person? Well, that takes being a person in America” the parody does a good job at pointing out what’s so ridiculous about not just the specific Chrysler ad in question, but a whole genre of overly-patriotic advertising. Now if only we knew who was responsible…
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