Mcgarrybowen and United Really Think You Should Consider Flying Out of Newark

So you’re an international business traveler based in New York who’s attending an overseas event in, say, southern France.

Since LaGuardia is probably not an option, you’re going to have to shell out 50 bucks for a cab to JFK … or are you?? United Airlines and mcgarrybowen New York have taken the opportunity to let the business class know that there is another way.

Agency and client teamed up with Verifone Media, Kinetic and some handy GPS software to show skeptical city folk that Newark Airport or EWR is considerably closer.

In place of your standard taxi-top ad, the agency fitted 125 yellow cabs with trackers to show exactly how much faster your commute would be if you were flying out of Jersey.

To get all technical, the displays are working on real-time data from the Curb app, which updates the time estimates based on the car’s geolocation and surrounding traffic patterns.

One reason for this campaign: A recent $120 million renovation to United’s Terminal C at Newark, which is the 15th largest hub in the country.

“The ‘New York Minute’ is all important to Manhattanites, yet many subjugate this tenet to the irrational view that JFK is their most convenient airport,” said mcgarrybowen ECD and managing director Haydn Morris. “How better to convince them than to utilize their favorite, iconic transport- plus everyone knows that taxi-drivers have the answer to everything, right?”

United director of global advertising Daniel Cuellar added, “We’re proud to work with mcgarrybowen and our media partners to launch this new and innovative technology on taxi tops that not only grabs the attention of New Yorkers, but helps deliver the message that Newark Liberty International is much closer and easy to get to than you think.”

Of course, by the time one flags the cab in question, the tickets have been bought. But maybe next time you have to fly 3,000 miles across the ocean to accept the Lion of St. Mark, you’ll consider a trip to Jersey. It’s not like you have to pay the property taxes or anything.

In addition to the taxi top placements, this campaign also includes OOH billboards, phone kiosks, bus shelters and in-airport units.


Managing Director, ECD: Haydn Morris
Group Creative Director, Copy: David DiRienz
Associate Art Director: Steven Graziano
Sr. Art Director: Erik Jansen
Copywriter: Anthony Pagaza
Account Managing Director: Joey Ziarko
Account Executive: Amy Laughlin
Account Superviser: Kayla Friedman
Executive Director, Strategy: Diane Epstein

Taxi Media Network: Verifone Media
Verifone, Vice President Taxi Media: Chris Polos
Verifone, National Account Manager: Lonnie Passy
Verifone, Sr. Product Manager: Daniel Fish

Media Agency: Kinetic & MEC
Kinetic, Director: Robin Yablonski
Kinetic, Manager: Stephanie Chiu
Kinetic, Account Executive: Kelsey Moran
Kinetic, Assitant Account Executive: Micaela Moffa

MEC, Partner/Director: Megan Warfield

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