Infographic: Here's Just How Much Crappy Beer Americans Are Drinking

Sure, we Americans drink a whole lot of light beer, but do you realize just how much?

The infographic below from the team at alcohol-fueled site VinePair shows the staggering scope of mainstream beer sales—especially Bud Light, which tallies $3 billion more in sales than its closest competitor, Coors Light.

The data, via IRI and Beer Advocate, are from 2013 but likely still quite accurate. Yuengling stands alone as the only privately owned craft beer in the Top 20, and VinePair notes that smaller brewers make up just 15 percent of sales. (Oh, and the site has another graphic suggesting microbrewed upgrades for the light beer lovers among you.)

If nothing else, the chart highlights the silliness of Budweiser’s Super Bowl ad positioning craft beer as some sort of anti-American hipster insurgency. Anheuser-Busch seems to be doing just fine without having to spend millions in ad dollars to crush the craft beer movement.


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