FREAKY AD MOMENTS OF 2007, SWEET 16: Orville Deadenbacher vs. anti-anorexia ads

The Freakiest Advertising Moment of 2007 contest continues today with the Sweet Sixteen. (See the full bracket here.) Vote below for a winner in eight freaky matchups. Voting in this round continues through midnight on Monday night.

—Posted by Tim Nudd


Matchup #1:
Orville Deadenbacher

Italy’s anti-anorexia ads.

  Orville and his cold, dead stare may be the favorite, but he has an unhealthy challenger in Isabelle Caro, the French woman who was featured in Italy’s anti-anorexia campaign. 
  UPDATE: Deadenbacher is out, as Isabelle sends him back to the grave. See the vote totals here.

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