Don’t Panic London Asks ‘What Happens Next?’ for World Vision
Posted in: UncategorizedDon’t Panic London crafted “What Happen’s Next?” — an extremely depressing call to action for World Vision, the world’s largest international children’s charity.
The spot shows a young girl doling out her possessions and writing her last will and testament in crayon. Eventually a door opens and the girl says it’s time to go, which is followed by the message, “No child under five should expect to die. Yet 17,000 die every day from preventable causes like pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria.” It ends by telling viewers “Together we can make it zero” and calling on them to visit and #Stopatnothing.
“With the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) expiring at the end of the year and leaders meeting at the UN to discuss the next set of development goals, we have a once-in-a generation opportunity to accelerate progress and end the preventable deaths of children in the next 15 years,” explained World Vision’s director of global campaigns, Andrew Hassett. “We want the viewer to be confronted and shocked when they are faced with a young girl thinking about her future, he added. “We want the video to prompt them to take action.”
Creative Agency: Don’t Panic London
Creative Director: Richard Beer
Writer: Joe Wade
Creatives: George McCallum, Mark Santos,
Production company: Monogrande
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