Paper Round (3 August) – Which brands are advertising in the national press?

Charity appeals sweep the nationals as the aftermath of the floods in Pakistan threaten millions of lives.

Buy twitter followers or facebook fans with Socialkik

Socialkik allows you to grow your twitter followers or facebook fans on your fanpage by buying them!

It’s pretty easy to start with them. You just need to go on their website Socialkik and select the plan you want to buy.


For example 1,000 non targeted facebook fans will cost you[…]

COI to cut 40% of staff as marketing freeze hits

The COI has informed its 737 staff that it plans to cut 287 positions, 40% of jobs, and has placed all staff in a 90-day consultation programme.

Caneca para fotógrafos

A caneca ideal para dar para de presente para os seus amigos fotógrafos. Idêntica a uma lente Canon 24-105mm, inclui também réplica da tampa e controle de foco e zoom que se mexem de verdade.

Custa 24 dólares na Photojojo, e eles avisam logo de cara: “Entregamos no Brasil!“.

Photo Mug

Photo Mug

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Everyone Ever in the World

Une représentation visuelle par The Luxury of Protest du nombre d’humains ayant vécu depuis le 1er homme face à celui du nombre de personnes tuées. Pour rappel, plus de 77,6 milliards d’êtres humains ont vécus sur Terre, et 969 millions de personnes ont été des victimes de conflits.
















Previously on Fubiz

Gucci appoints ZenithOptimedia to media account

Gucci Group has appointed ZenithOptimedia to handle its media in the UK, France and in most markets in Asia.

Future UK revenue up 3% as group reports ‘postive trends’

Future’s UK revenue has risen 3% in the three months to 30 June, with a 2% increase in its global revenue.

The Diary of a Disappointed Book

Voici cet intéressant court-métrage imaginé par le projet créatif Studiocanoe. Il raconte une année entière dans la vie d’un livre : une histoire axée sur combien il est facile que les livres soit négligés et perdu. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.



Previously on Fubiz

Crozier outlines five-year plan

ITV chief executive Adam Crozier has outlined his five year plan for the business detailing the changes necessary to transform the broadcaster that he said previous management teams had failed to deliver.

Heineken Tube – beer delivery to your garden viral video

The new cool viral video campaign for Heineken with this special tube from the kitchen to the garden…

Advertiser: Heineken

Hipster Schoolgirl Fashion – The Forever 21 FW10 Line Offers ‘Back-to-Cool’ Styles (GALLERY)

( When school season roles around, it’s important to get in on the latest fashions and the Forever 21 FW10 collection has you covered. Although they offer a more geek chic option, this particular line covers…

Tech brands ready iPad rivals

Technology brands are set to plough millions of pounds into marketing campaigns as they take on Apple in the burgeoning tablet computer market.

Irish Food Board aims to reassure UK consumers

The body responsible for promoting Irish food is rolling out a digital strategy intended to reassure UK shoppers about the quality of the country’s beef.

Npower backs Football League tie-up

Npower is launching a marketing blitz to promote its first season as sponsor of the Football League, which kicks off this weekend.

BT to step up 2012 activity

BT is gearing up for the next phase of its Olympic sponsorship activity, with two years left until the London Games begin.

Sainsbury’s summer push

Sainsbury’s is launching a month-long campaign targeting young families with ideas for recipes.

Green & Black’s in strategy revamp as top marketer exits

Green & Black’s is rolling out a fresh marketing strategy to ‘aggressively’ drive growth and has started a search for an agency to handle the initiative.

Photo Geek Cups – The Camera Lens Mug Quenches Your Thirst Your Photographic Needs (GALLERY)

( The Camera Lens Mug is for all you photo geeks around the world — you know who you are! You don’t have to be a professional photographer (or even a decent one) to enjoy this Kodak moment mug. You just…

CupTea Face

Sachin Karle sees a face in everyday objects. This is an ongoing series called Face-O-Rama that Sachin initiated. He is a Creative Director in Mumbai.

Mini Photo Manipulation – ‘Tilt Shift’ from Robert McLaughlin Features Lilliputian Landscapes (GALLERY)

( ‘Tilt Shift’ is a series of photos from Robert McLaughlin which feature large-scale seascapes or objects that are made to look miniature. For example, there is a stage with ballet dancers on it wherein…