Top 20 Trends of the Day (Aug 7) – From Futuristic Silver Frocks to Faceless Timepieces (COUNTDOWN)

( For the day of August 7th, these are the Top 20 trends, which include Futuristic Silver Frocks, Leggy Photo Prints and Ink-Enhancing Creams. The rankings are based on hundreds of thousands of views and…

Soft Sultry Photography – Tada Varich Creates Distinct Fashion Shoots that Show Intense Talent (GALLERY)

( Since there are so many photographers out there trying to make a name for themselves, it’s sometimes hard to find truly original shoots and images; Tada Varich somehow achieves this even though his work…

Layered Fall Fashion – Taryn Davidson for Elle UK September 2010 Has Lots of Layers (GALLERY)

( This shoot of Taryn Davidson for Elle UK September 2010 features lots of layers and lots of leg. Shot by Lee Broomfield, model Davidson poses perfectly in Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier and Hermes.


Porsche Building

Après les premières images du musée allemand Porsche, voici les photos de l’intérieur du bâtiment entièrement blanc. Consacré à l’histoire et aux voitures du constructeur Porsche, le musée est doté de lignes épurées et futuristes, ainsi que d’une très belle finition.











Previously on Fubiz

Sexy girl sucking lollipop is turning boys on viral video

I know this is a very old advertising campaign but it seems this is now going viral on the web…

Advertiser: Chupa Chups

Gold-Trimmed Supercars – The Linea Vincero d’Oro Line by Mansory for the Bugatti Veyron (GALLERY)

( Linea Vincero d’Oro is a line of luxury car accessories created by the German tuner company Mansory for the Bugatti Veyron. The accessory line’s main feature is its gold trim, but the line also consists…

Futuristic Silver Frocks – The Hernan Lander AW 2010 Collection Takes a Step into a New Era (GALLERY)

( The Hernan Lander AW 2010 collection brings fashion and style to futuristic realms.

This ready-to-wear collection features hints of futuristic themes while staying versatile and practical for the everyday…

Ad Age Outlook Episode 1: Quality vs. Marketing

This Week: With Nat Ives and Ken Wheaton join host Bob Knorpp to discuss the battle between quality and marketing, OK Magazine's rough road and ads that stalk you.

Fashionable Motel Affairs – The ‘A Woman Under The Influence’ L’Oficiel Ukraine Sp (GALLERY)

( Entitled ‘A Woman Under the Influence,’ the L’Oficiel Ukraine Spread is getting extremely heated. We can only assume that this fashion model is under the influence of lust because the editorial is oozing…

Microsoft Calls Holding Company Review for ‘Cloud’

NEW YORK ( — Microsoft has reached out to Omnicom Group and Publicis Groupe to pitch marketing ideas for its cloud-computing business, also known as its commercial account, according to multiple executives familiar with the matter. The incumbent is WPP-owned JWT, and it along with other WPP resources have been asked to participate in the pitch.

Leggy Photo Prints – The ‘Crazy LEGS’ Photo Series by Tommy Agriodimas is Creative and Interesting (GALLERY)

( Photographer Tommy Agriodimas takes a variety of interesting photos in this ‘Crazy LEGS’ spread, with the legs of different individuals as their focus.

With models bent over and falling backwards, the…

Universal Pulls Music Videos From as Talks Break Down

NEW YORK ( — is going to have to do without Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne and Justin Bieber and all other Universal Music Group artists due to an impasse with Vevo, the joint venture that controls the online rights.

Study Reveals ‘Cultural Tensions’ Among Latinas

Modulation between cultures and roles women play creates a certain tension and a need for guidance among Hispanic women that marketers should be aware of. For example, the study found that 23% of Latina women (vs. 5% of general market women) said they "don't know how to dress appropriately for work." This finding clearly indicates there are huge opportunities for apparel brands and retailers to "guide" Hispanic women to achieve their goals of advancing their careers.

Erotic Forest Photoshoots – ‘Forestory’ by Michal Janica is Mysteriously Risque (GALLERY)

( This ‘Forestory’ photo series by Michal Janica tells a bizarre and semi-erotic story of humans behaving badly.

The masked men and women of this spread changes the dark forest vibe into a more lustful,…

Puma Social: Celebrando os esportes e os atletas da noite

Puma Social

A Nike, a Adidas, a Reebok e até a Olympikus criam filmes fantásticos, megaproduções com atletas de todos os tipos, de todos os esportes. Pessoas correndo e se dedicando para superar metas e toda aquela atmosfera de gente fisicamente perfeita e quebradora de recordes.

Bem, tirando as vezes em que eu brigo comigo mesmo para ir para a academia, não me identifico com nada disso. Mas a Puma acaba de lançar uma campanha ideal pra acabar com essa culpa de quem troca o esporte pelo bar com os amigos – não sempre amiguinhos, não é cool ser sedentário.

Puma Social

É uma ode aos atletas da noite. No lugar de contagem de calorias, condicionamento físico e níveis de hidratação, temos o ping-pong, o pebolim, dardos e até karaoke. Um mundo onde conseguir um número de telefone é o maior placar possível.

Além do filme (abaixo), e do site, a marca abriu em Nova York o Puma Social Club justamente com todos esses “esportes” incluidos. Um ótimo conceito, bem amarrado e presente no mundo real.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Pulp Disney

A clássica cena de “Pulp Fiction” dublada por Pato Donald e Mickey Mouse.

Simples assim, e eu nem sei explicar porque ri tanto assistindo o vídeo. Sou bobo.

Os bastidores do show do Arcade Fire com Terry Gilliam

Arcade Fire Terry Gilliam

Conforme falamos aqui há duas semanas, ontem aconteceu a transmissão ao vivo do show do Arcade Fire no YouTube, apresentado pela American Express. Uma qualidade impressionante e ainda com interação dos espectadores. Você pode ver aqui.

O show foi dirigido por ninguem menos que Terry Gilliam, que já teve um post especial aqui no Brainstorm #9, focado também em seu último filme: “O Mundo Imaginário do Doutor Parnassus”.

No vídeo abaixo, que mostra os bastidores pré-show, Gilliam conta porque aceitou esse trabalho – além de precisar solucionar o problema financeiro de seu filme em produção há mais de uma década “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote”, como ele próprio admitiu em entrevista à MTV. Além de ser fã da banda, topou fazer para aprender e descobrir coisas novas para sua carreira de cineasta.

Conhecido por ser teimoso em seus filmes, algumas cenas mostram Terry Gilliam conversando com Win Butler, líder do Arcade Fire, enquanto eles discutem que tipo de iluminação e efeitos utilizarão no palco. Termina com a banda dizendo que as obras do diretor são fonte de inspiração para eles, e com uma brincadeira maluca.

São 10 minutos – sem legendas em português – importantes para entender a personalidade de Terry Gilliam que, mesmo sendo um dos caras mais autorais e brilhantes do cinema, diz que está ali para aprender e que vai cometer erros, e também pelo processo criativo de um show.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Underwater Photography by Wayne Levin

Un magnifique travail en photographie sous-marine, par l’artiste américain Wayne Levin. Des images extraordinaires d’animaux marins et de différents plongeurs, le tout pris exclusivement en noir et blanc. Une série photo à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.












Previously on Fubiz

The social media map of the world – how it changed: 2007 -2010

As a tribute to XKCD’s ‘Map of Online Communities’ that was created in 2007, Flowtown have re-created the map and updated it for 2010.

‘Start Here. Change Everything’

Sometimes it takes a new way of looking at things to change what seems to be unchangeable. That's what Boulder Digital Works at the University of Colorado, under the creative direction of Alex Bogusky, is working to teach students to do. Here's how.