Self-Knitting Lampshade – Sleeping Beauty by Nadine Sterk

( I’m not sure how handy this light actually is unless you plan on starting a knitted-lampshade store. You see, the Sleeping Beauty Lamp knits a lampshade on its own, completing three rotations every hour!

Neat idea if you want your furniture to grow. Not so neat if you have a small place.

The des…

$500 All-in-One PC – Hybrid Dual Portable Computer (GALLERY)

( MIU’s Hybrid Dual Portable Computer (HDPC) packs powerful punches with a long list of specifications. First spotted as a prototype back in 2006, it will be in the market in July for about $500. That’s a really really good price! I know I would get one.

HDPC comes with dual operating systems (Windo…

Mosaics With a Message – 4,000 Americans Dead

( It is becoming a trend using all types of products to create a mosaic. Used metro tickets, pieces of scrap or what ever inspire people to assemble an artistic object.

However I have never seen something so lugubrious and at the same time so brilliant and breathtakingly sensitive that words fail me.…

PCs Inside Keyboards – Cybernet ZPC GX31 (GALLERY)

( Apple put a PC inside the Monitor and we got the iMac, now we have a pc stuffed inside a normal sized keyboard in the Cybernet’s ZPC GX31.

Although the keyboard design might not be the sexiest in the market, it will surely save much space on your desk! Also, you can plug your USB devices, CD/ DVD a…

Green Computer Spyshots – Intel Netbook Eco PC (GALLERY)

( One of the spies over at Endgaget got his hands on some more photos of Intel’s Netbook, or the Eco PC. These shots showcase the TI-99-esque keyboard.

The whole tour can be seen on Flickr.

As going green is higher on our list of priorities, a rise in demand for more sustainable products, includin…

Measuring Towel – Comfortable Weight Management

( Here’s a practical design you can use to keep track of your girlish figure. And guys, don’t cheat.

Wrap the towel around your WAIST and not UNDER your belly then declare “Yup, still a 30.”

It’s actually a playful piece, making it more fun while running around hotel rooms starkers. The designer’s…

Pillows With a Pulse – My Beating Heart (GALLERY)

( My Beating Heart is a soft, huggable heart with a soothing heartbeat you can feel, designed to help little ones over 3 to sleep and grown ups to relax and meditate.

The heartbeat rhythm was carefully designed and programmed using artificial intelligence and it models the human heartbeat in deep me…

Engineless Gravity Racing Car – Mercedes-Benz Silbervogel (GALLERY)

( The Mercedes-Benz Silbervogel was designed by Jakob Hirzel for the Xtreme Gravity Series in Irvine, California.

The automobile is a gravity racing car that has no engine. Its bionic shape and load-bearing carbon structure were designed to meet the challenges posed by the physical forces at play du…

Touchless Controllers – No-Touch TV Remote Understands Motions (VIDEO)

( It is kind of hard for me to understand this futuristic, buttonless TV remote control concept that looks like a piece of slightly twisted metal with a vertical cavity.

This concept TV remote was designed by a Dutch student and the premise behind it is that you can control your TV without touching …

Recycled Billboard Bags – Hand Crafted Brazilian Banner Totes (GALLERY)

( When São Paulo, Brazil banned all billboards, the city was left with piles of banner material. TOUCH and StraaT have gathered these materials and created a colorful, unique collection of tote bags. The totes are handmade by local artisans and the history and cultural context gives each bag a very u…

Personal Flight Simulator- HotSeat Chassis

( This has got to be the ultimate geek dream! If not, it is high on the list.

This personal flight simulator has a “built-in custom PC [that] gives you the feeling of flying as it displays virtual skies on the trio of 22-inch LCD monitors in front of the seat – creating a 66-inch panoramic view”…

Custom Rock Band and Guitar Hero Instruments – ArtGuitar Controllers

( These beautifully pimped out guitars were inspired by the popular video games Guitar Hero and Rock Band. The limited edition guitars which were put out by ArtGuitar were hand-painted with familiar images of famous rock icons.

There is one guitar featuring the familiar heavily made up faces of memb…

Power Boats that Dive – Marion Hyper-Sub (GALLERY)

( The Marion Hyper-Sub is a submersible vehicle which also has the ability to run on the surface at great speed. Powerful, versatile and cost-efficient, the Hyper-Sub is billed as the world’s first true general-purpose submarine. Operating as a self-sufficient powerboat on the surface, and as a subm…

Cheap Petroleum Alternatives – Biomass Gas

( A company says it will make ethanol for the U.S. at less than a buck a gallon. They will refine what’s known as biomass which is available for 65 cents per gallon. The technology uses low energy to make it efficient to produce the biomass which can be used to produce ethanol.

Ethanol currently use…

Playful Guerilla Ads – Sexy Camera in Public Bathrooms (GALLERY)

( Sexy Camera is a new erotic candid camera TV show on air on March 2008 on FX channel in Italy. To promote the show, AM-NEWTON21 ad agency, Italy came up with this creative guerrilla campaign that reaches the target male audience in their public toilets at pubs and gyms.

The campaign uses soap dispe…

Trend Hunter Gets Super-Sized – Double The Content, Double The Fun

( Trend Hunter has been super sized! After a couple months of 400+ new trends per week, we’ve decided to crank up the size of our cover page.

Instead of limiting the outside world to our top 30 trends each day, our cover will now feature 60 delicious posts. Accordingly, we’ve beefed up our ‘Popul…

Pentagon Wants To Pimp Soldiers Eyes – ‘Videogame’ Style Contact Lenses

( Today’s technology allows soldiers with advanced gear to see digital maps through helmet-mounted monocles and pilots to get information on heads-up displays. But the latest project from DARPA, the Pentagon’s blue sky science and technology division, will enable troops to see an info-“augmented” real…

Bio-Charging – Self-Healing Artificial Muscle Charges an iPhone

( What’s better than successfully creating an artificial muscle that heals itself? Having that muscle charge your iPhone or other gadgets!

Combining breakthroughs in self-healing materials and artificial arms, University of California, Los Angeles researchers created such muscles that can generate e…

Drum Machine Robot – Autonomous Robot Makes Music With Its Surroundings (VIDEO)

( This unique little robot roams around looking for objects. When it finds one, it drums on it, samples the sound, then breaks into a pretty catchy rhythm using that new sound. The robot can also detect foot stomping or hand clapping and adjust its tempo to match it. According to the website, the m…

Glowing On The Slopes – Burton Light Camo Jacket (GALLERY)

( If you feel like glowing on your snowboard then you should put the Burton Light Camo Jacket on your wish-list. Artist Chuck Anderson, known for his lighting effects in his artwork has created an amazing “Light Camo” jacket. If not with your snowboard tricks, then with this cool jacket you will …