Top 65 Japanese Pop Culture Posts + Tokyology (SUPER GALLERY) (VIDEO)

( Japan has a whole realm of sub-cultures that seem utterly bizarre to foreigners. Tokyology is a recently released documentary that covers some of the most unique aspects of Japanese pop-culture, with a heavy emphasis on the Tokyo and individual regions like Harajuku and Shinjuku.

To supplement the…

Flashy Fitness Footwear – Step Counter Shoes

( How much walking can a woman do in this pair of sleek-as-none-of-your-business stiletto shoes? Not a whole lot, I’ll tell you that much. However, if you do manage to walk in them, they’ll keep track of every step you take with their built in counter. Perfect for the calorie-counting woman who doesn’…

Untooning Video Game Characters – Bowser Gets Real (GALLERY)

( Following in the footsteps of the great work done by Pixeloo of “untooning” Mario, Homer and Jessica Rabbit, has untooned the famous Nintendo game villain, Bowser.

Bowser is the leader and most powerful of the turtle-like Koopa race and Mario’s arch-nemesis. The PhotoShopped work i…

BlackBerry Clamshell Flip Phones – BlackBerry Kickstart (GALLERY)

( Until now, BlackBerries have been an open-faced, one-piece mobile device. It’s that very reason that many people either love or hate the phones. Finally BlackBerry has launched an alternative, the BlackBerry Kickstart, a clamshell flip-phone, and it’s likely to attract a whole new swarm of customers…

Virtual Cities – GeoSimCities 3D Philadelphia Tours (GALLERY)

( GeoSimCities is a website that provides a 3-D virtual representation of cities.

This is a wonderful idea. I visited the site and checked out the virtual Philadelphia tours of offered on the site. Also included in virtual Philly was E-shopping, city planning, human interaction with other visitors to…

Space Boomerangs (UPDATE) – The Result (VIDEO)

( Not so long ago we mentioned that a Japanese astronaut would be experimenting with the physics of objects in space, and that included flying paper airplanes and boomerangs. This video, released by JAXA, shows the result of Takao Doi’s boomerang experiment in the International Space Station’s Harmo…

Top 100 News Stories in Pictures –

( If you’re like me, you’re attracted to stories with great photos. If this sounds like you, is worth checking out. It features the top 100 current news stories in a photo cube of, you guessed it, 10 photos across and 10 photos high. It’s updated hourly and is a great resource for spottin…

Chopstick Glasses – Hip Stix

( How’s this for an unusual concept? Brad Gressel created Stix glasses which double as chopsticks and a hair pin. Well, not really. The stainless-steel chopsticks/hair pins are tucked inside the two arms of the glasses.

I think this is a funny idea. As someone who wears glasses I know just how swe…

Themed Robot Sex – Terminator Kamasutra (GALLERY)

( These terminator sex positions are the bomb, in a freakish sort of way! I have to confess that I am a fanatic of the Terminator series and whoever came up with this idea is
A. an absolute perv, but
B. a first rate genius.

You can just see the intensity of the love-making by looking at their bloo…

Top 6 Grand Theft Auto Posts – Viral Video Games (SUPER GALLERY) (VIDEO)

( There was a lot of build-up leading to the April 29 release of Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV), the Take-Two Interactive Software and Rockstar Games product for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but it’s finally here.

Leading up to this event were fake wanted posters, giant murals, bus wraps and billboards…

Wi-Fi Sneakers – A Step in the Right Direction (GALLERY)

( I thought the Wi-Fi Detector T-shirt we featured was truly awesome, albeit so geeky, no one with a hint of fashion savvy would dare wear the digital display. These sneakers, on the other hand, aren’t as flashy, but still work as fully functional hot spot finders.

As you wander around town, an inte…

High-Tech Fat Analysis – Overall Health Balance Scale (GALLERY)

( The Overall Health Balance Scale from Japan’s National Electric is fitness gadgetry at its very best.

This devise measures your weight and BMI, the amount of fat under your skin, organ fat, how muscular you are, and your metabolic rate. After it’s taken all those readings, it tells you how out…

New Apple iPod + iTunes Commercial – Gamma (VIDEO)

( One of the first stories I wrote when I joined Trend Hunter was the huge effect Apple’s Macbook Air commercial had on Yael Naim’s success on the charts. The song shot to the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 chart out seemingly of nowhere.

So far, Apple has had a golden touch on all artists featured …

Interactive History Lessons – The Library of Congress Experience (GALLERY)

( Behold the modern library experience.

The recently renewed Library of Congress includes a bunch of exciting new interactive technologies, courtesy of Microsoft.

These exhibitions make the Library of Congress and its collections more dynamic and accessible than ever. Touch-screen kiosks with the …

Camouflaged Speakers – SteroStone Fountain Speaker (GALLERY)

( This 40-inch water fountain has a speaker inside. SteroStone’s Fountain Speaker is an outdoor lawn speaker with a 250-watt, 8-inch dual voice-coil. By day, it’s a unique camouflage, but by night, you can crank on the internal lights for a hip, mood-setting ambiance.

“At night, the $600 Fountain Sp…

GTA IV Causes Real Violence – Game Leads to Real Stabbings & Theft (VIDEO)

( Grand Theft Auto IV… GTA IV… GTA4… it seems that’s all we’re hearing about these last few days.

Released worldwide (except in Japan) for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on April 29, Grand Theft Auto 4 has gamers shaking in their boots with anticipation. The Rockstar Games product is expected to b…

Mobile TVs – The Samsung P960

( I’m totally in love with this cell phone, even though I don’t really watch that much television. Unfortunately, it is not available in the USA yet. The Samsung P960 is the first slider cell phone with an integrated TV in Europe.

“It supports the Euro mobile TV standards DVB-CBMS and OMA-BCAST,” Cr…

Pump Action Laptop Surfaces – The Airboard (GALLERY)

( If you’ve ever worked with your laptop actually placed on your lap then you’ll definitely appreciated this design by Ki-Seung Lee. The pump action laptop surface Airboard comes to the rescue of millions of lap-surfers worldwide.

Regardless of what you’re using your laptop for, the Airboard makes i…

Political Protest Protection – The Miranda Camera (GALLERY)

( The Miranda, designed by Gabriel Lam, is the perfect devise for the rabble-rouser or wannabe revolutionary, which ever term is PC right now.

But I am being facetious and obnoxious.

This is a very useful devise for the current political climate in the USA. The Miranda is a small, cheap, flash mem…

Golfing Guns – Air Force Golf Ball Launcher

( This air pressured rifle could be the greatest gift you ever give someone. It enables handicapped people incapable of swinging a club the chance to participate on the green again.

The designers of the Air Force Golf Ball Launcher created this product after his own father had a stroke and was left …