Audi: ‘Old Luxury Just Got Put on Notice’


Loved that Audi mafioso ad. We know from experience that nothing’s more devastating than waking up covered in oil. Well, depending on the oil.

Microsoft Pushes Sync with Anesthesia-Free Surgical Operation

Um, ouch? Some guy under the knife, giving feedback to the surgeons about whether or not he feels the pinch. Idea is to advocate the voice-activated Sync (now stock in Fords).

Ford F-150 Gets Its Swing On


Well now here’s something different.

Super Bowl Ad Orgy Kicks Off with Focus, iPhone Ripoff


Here we go, starting with the outdated-hipster head-bobbing for Ford Focus and Verizon’s wannabe iPhone. (Stacking ’em up, knocking ’em down like Dominos? Yeah, nobody’s ever done that before.)

Super Bowl Pre-Game Proves Highly Somber Joygasm Buzzkill


We don’t normally pay much attention to pre-game shows, but we couldn’t help noticing the impersonations of Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin gracing the screen alongside stars like Peyton Manning and superimposed images of the Constitution.

Bud Light Gets Pre-Game Show Hype


In a segment during the FOX Pre-Game show, Budweiser got some nice added exposure when the caveman which will be seen in one of the spots were given some attention as if they were a news story.

Beautiful Balloon Ballet Celebrates Coke Side of Life


We have to tip our hat to Wieden + Kennedy for their Super Bowl efforts this year for Coke.

Screw the Game, It’s All About the Commercials


We just received the perfect illustration depicting Super Bowl party attended by people who work in the advertising industry.

Minnesota Lottery Guys Appear in NFL Super Bowl Commercial


We don’t have much to say about this Super Bowl commercial promoting th NFL Network other than the fact it features the same goofy looking guys who appeared in a series of Minnesota Lottery commercials in January. It seems the two travel in pairs.

Coke Brings Together Republican and Democrat


We actually like this Coke spot featuring Republican pundit Bill Frist and Democratic pundit James Carville who find themselves in the situation of saying the same thing at the same time.

Sunsilk Super Bowl Spot Royally Disappoints

When we heard Sunsilk tapped design firm Desgrippes Gobe, Paris and BrandThinkTank to compose its Super Bowl spot — which features images of Madonna, Shakira and Marilyn Monroe — we pictured something deliciously Warholian and mod. We thought it…

Can’t Fight Monday? Cease the Lameness. GET BETTER JOB.


There’s something apocalyptic about this Monster spot by BBDO, NY. Called “Daybreak,” the premise is you shouldn’t have to fight Monday. To illustrate that, a bunch of people knock down their satellite dishes, grab trashcan covers and run out to do battle against the sun — only to walk off in defeat when the sun rises anyway.

SalesGenie Super Bowl Ads Not So Cheesy This Year


For this year’s Super Bowl efforts, Salesgenie leaves the cheese behind and, instead, brings on the cartoons.

Join the Adrants Super Bowl Chat Before, During and After the Game

/* .mcrmeebo { display: block; background:url(“”) no-repeat top right; } .mcrmeebo:hover { background:url(“”) no-repeat top right; } /*]]>*/ Join us before, during and after the Super Bowl to talk about the ads in the game. Praise Them. Crap on…

It’s the Adrants Super Bowl 2008 Primer!


We’re expecting a good show this year, partly because of all the buzz-building teasers. Other factors: agencies depended less on UGC than in Super Bowl ’07, :30 spots cost more on average, and you’ll see interaction from audience members (mobile voting/ranking, secret online spots).

Drug Dealers Languish as Teens Go Rx


It’s a Super Bowl buzzkill, courtesy of Partnership for a Drug Free America. In this spot, a languishing drug dealer tells you he’s going broke because your kids are getting high out of the medicine cabinet.

Hey, Deja Vu. We’ve Seen this Spot Before.


Hi, I’m American Airlines. I’ve got some wad to blow on a :30 Super Bowl 2008 spot, but oh, I can’t be bothered to put together anything new.

Fox Sells Out Super Bowl Spots in Record Time


Lou D’Ermilio of Fox told Bloomberg they’ve sold out their Super Bowl spots earlier than in any of the five years Fox has hosted the game.

Dell to Give Both Old and New on Game Day


MediaPost says Dell will be joining the Super Bowl ad foray. It’s paid for two spots. An old one, called “Out with the Old” by Mother, will appear before the game starts.

FOX to Rake in $225 Million in Super Bowl Ad Revenue


Including the actual game, the four hour pre-game show and a House lead out (cheating a bit), FOX is expected to take in $225 million in ad revenue this Sunday.