Super Turbines – Sky Serpent (GALLERY)

( Doug Selsam’s turbine ideas are not just blowing in the wind; they are transforming the wind into power-generating machines. At a cost of $250,000 to develop, the 25-rotor turbine ‘Sky Serpent’ is said to produce three kilowatts (3000 watts) of power. The Sky Serpent is still in the concept st…

Space Produce – Mega Veggies Could End World Hunger (GALLERY)

( I wonder if these things have Air Miles? Mega Veggies are grown from seeds that were fired into space, where for two weeks, they orbited the Earth. Once returned, the seeds are cultivated in hothouses and the final product is the HUGE specimens seen in these photos.

Mega Veggies are a product of th…

Painless Injections- Dissolving Hypodermic Needles

( Sacred of needles? Many people are. It hurts because the needles are not fine enough, and up until now, it was impossible to make very fine ones. Scientist Hyung Il Jung from Yonsei University in Seoul Korea has recently filed a patent for the manufacture of an small array of microneedles designed …

Protecting Polar Bears – Officially Listed As Endangered (VIDEO)

( Polar Bears are officially on the global list of animals to be protected. As global warming continues, their natural habitats are threatened as global sea ice melts and their ability to survive is threatened. If nothing is done, the great white bears will face extinction.

Thankfully an initiative b…

Anti-Jetlag Glasses – Re-Set Your Body’s Clock on the Fly (GALLERY)

( If you travel across different timezones, you know how it feels to be jetlagged. You become sleepy, moody, can’t concentrate and you have a hard time staying awake in the day, and can’t fall sleep at night. The Re-Time Jetlag Glasses solve this problem.

The glasses will adjust your body’s natural …

Insect Repelling Clothes – Buzz Off

( Spot Cool Stuff found a line of clothing, aptly named Buzz Off, that contains Permethrin, a man-made version of a natural insect repellent, woven into the fibers.

Made by Ex Officio, the repellent properties work on mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and flies and lasts for about 70 washes. It also provide…

Sign Language Translators – HandTalk Glove (GALLERY)

( The sassy term, “talk to the hand” takes on a whole new meaning with HandTalk, a sensor equipped glove that translates finger and hand gestures into spoken words on a cell phone.

The motivation behind HandGlove, a project by engineering students at Carnegie Mellon University, was to enable easy com…

Lunar Real Estate – Can Corporations Claim Lunar Property?

( Recent discussions of property rights n the moon has pointed out an interesting point – that the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 makes it legal for corporations to claim lunar property.

Companies could therefore stick their proverbial flag in the moon dust to mark it as their own.

Talk about an incre…

Invisibility Paints – AR 1 Camouflages Radar

( There is a man who has been contacted by the Iraqis, the Chinese, and several other world powers. Why? The German inventor, Werner Nickel, has developed a paint that can make whatever it coats invisible – at least to radar.

Located somewhere in the United Arab Emirates deserts, Nickel somehow inve…

Invisibility Paint – AR 1 Camouflages Radar

( There is a man who has been contacted by the Iraqis, the Chinese, and several other world powers. Why? The German inventor, Werner Nickel, has developed a paint that can make whatever it coats invisible – at least to radar.

Located somewhere in the United Arab Emirates deserts, Nickel somehow inve…

Teach Fish Tricks – R2 Fish School (VIDEO)

( I am a great believer in education, but sometimes I question whether it is necessary to teach skills to creatures other than humans. Dogs are trained to find drugs or chase criminals, so I guess that’s fine, but goldfish? Now, thats a stretch….

The R2 Fishschool provides a training kit that is fa…

Termite-Inspired Mega Buildings – Ultima Tower

( With a one mile wide base and a staggering two mile high rooftop, the Ultima Tower by Eugene Tsui is inspired by nature: the elegant termite mound. It is aerodynamically efficient, resistant to earthquake shock waves, and is cooled by flowing water.

OK, so let’s put aside the fact that if the Eart…

Digital Display Walls – 9XMedia 15-Monitor Display

( If you’ve ever wanted your living room (I would say den, but I don’t think this would fit) to look like the Federal government’s Central Command, then you’re in luck! 9XMedia now offers a multi-screen display system that feature 15 monitors.

But wait… for the ultimate in digital displays, you ca…

Mood-Sensitive Wristbands – Robometer Measures Happiness

( The robometer is a mood-sensing, wrist-mounted devise that measures your level of happiness. Has society really become so desensitized that we can’t tell when we are happy?

Pontification aside, the Robometer takes readings of of the surface of your skin to asses your mood.

This feature would be …

Liquid Cooled Clothes – The Cool Shirt

( At first glance, I thought this shirt was designed to be a hydration system for racers. I was only half right. It’s meant for racers, but not the running kind. The Cool Shirt is supposed to cool down a very hot driver. It connects to an ice-water cooler and circulates the freezing water through its …

Round-the-World Green Flights – Solar-Cell Hy-Bird (GALLERY)

( The Hy-Bird, a hydrogen-powered electric airplane that gets 10% of its power through solar-cells, is made of super-lightweight (and expensive) carbon fibre. The French company behind it, Lisa Airplanes, states that the power system will allow the plane to circumnavigate the globe in 3,000 km stages.…

Green Tea Mattresses – Keetsa

( Eco-bedding company, Keetsa, scores each one of their products with a Keetsa Quotient, or a score of how environmentally-friendly they are. Take their Tea Leaf Classic mattress for instance. It scores a 67.08 out of 100 — compare that to their Tea Leaf Supreme that has a 90.38! It seems that there …

Space Boomerangs (UPDATE) – The Result (VIDEO)

( Not so long ago we mentioned that a Japanese astronaut would be experimenting with the physics of objects in space, and that included flying paper airplanes and boomerangs. This video, released by JAXA, shows the result of Takao Doi’s boomerang experiment in the International Space Station’s Harmo…

High-Tech Fat Analysis – Overall Health Balance Scale (GALLERY)

( The Overall Health Balance Scale from Japan’s National Electric is fitness gadgetry at its very best.

This devise measures your weight and BMI, the amount of fat under your skin, organ fat, how muscular you are, and your metabolic rate. After it’s taken all those readings, it tells you how out…

Interactive History Lessons – The Library of Congress Experience (GALLERY)

( Behold the modern library experience.

The recently renewed Library of Congress includes a bunch of exciting new interactive technologies, courtesy of Microsoft.

These exhibitions make the Library of Congress and its collections more dynamic and accessible than ever. Touch-screen kiosks with the …