Nissan’s Nismo Smart Watch Makes Driving A Bit More Tech-Friendly

From the Daft Punk meets Philip K. Dick meets Steig Larsson collection comes the Nismo watch, essentially a smartphone on your wrist that provides car-related data. Do drivers need reminders of speed or heart rate accompanied by suggestions to slow down? Probably not. Do they need reminders to get oil changes? Probably (even though most new cars can tell you this on the dash). But either way, the watch looks like a cool gadget and should retail for an expensive enough price, so it becomes a sleek status symbol.

The 100-second promo, created by TBWA G1 + TBWA Helsinki, is just as shiny and metallic as the watch itself. The music sounds like a leftover track from the last Transformers movie, and although this may not be an intended consequence, might make you want to drive fast. I’d prefer to spend however much the watch costs on gas, but if you have some excess income and want to purchase the watch equivalent of wearing sunglasses indoors, this product is perfect for you.

Credits after the jump.


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