Sandy Hook Gunman’s Father Says He Wishes His Son Had Never Been Born

Peter Lanza, whose son Adam committed the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., spoke about his son’s mental health in an article in The New Yorker.


As a School Shooting’s First Anniversary Nears, Newtown Asks for Privacy

The town will not mark the anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, which occurred on Dec. 14, 2012, with a public remembrance, and it has asked the news media to stay away.


For News Media, a Mostly Cautious Approach to Newtown Tapes

While two local Connecticut newspapers rushed to make the full recordings available, other media outlets held back.


Media Decoder Blog: Media Companies, on Defensive About Violence, Plan Campaign on Parental Control

Entertainment companies are responding to criticism that violence in film and on television has contributed to a culture of violence in the country.