Bokito Glasses for all Zoo visitors – guerilla The Netherlands

Bokito is now a world famous gorilla, after he escaped from his enclosure in the Rotterdam Zoo May18, and tore up the zoo while attacking a woman in particular and several other people.

From the Wikiedia:

The woman who was attacked had been a regular visitor to the great apes’ enclosure, visiting an average of 4 times per week. She had a habit of touching the glass that separated her from the gorillas, while making eye contact with Bokito and smiling to him, a practice that is discouraged by primatologists, as apes are likely to interpret human smiling as a form of aggressive display. Zoo employees had previously warned her against doing this, but she continued, claiming a special bond with him: in an interview with De Telegraaf, she said “if I laugh at him, he laughs back”

Bokito was probably extremely annoyed with this woman in particular since he went after her when he escaped from his enclosure, and inflicted more than 100 bite wounds on her as well as several broken bones. The Health insurance company FBTO couldn’t wait to get in on this action and distrubuted 2.000 “BokitoViewers” at the entrance to Rotterdam Zoo, simple glasses that avoid eye contact.

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Content Encounter Phase II makes its European Debut at Management World Nice

Operators and vendors to test and demonstrate best practices in monetisation, content delivery, advertising and innovative services. New participating commercial partners are Amdocs, BT, Call Genie, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom, EBIZmobility, Subex and Telcordia

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Bango pinpoints best performing mobile advertising campaigns and avoids advertisers paying too much

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May 12 2008 – Mobile marketers can now turn to the Bango mobile analytics tool and use the new goal comparison feature in its mobile analytics tool to see which mobile advertising campaigns and traffic sources deliver the best conversion rates. Advertisers can also compare the value of the traffic from third-party ad services using independent data provided by Bango Analytics. Some companies have already reported discrepancies approaching 20% between the traffic they are getting and what they have paid for, says Bango.

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The Dragon and the beer – Golden Fire, unconventionally strong Heineken

Ninjamarketing shws off a dragon of a launch for Heineken.

They had a giant Dragon egg sculpture in the centre of Turin, did guerrilla with giant dragon teeth strewed over the city, “did wild posting, static cling, ext, a viral web spot (more than 500.000 views in one month), a 3D navigation website ( and more than 100 events in pubs with ambient adv in toilets and other weird stuff is the core of the unconventional marketing campaign made by the Ninjas.”

Personally, I think the egg sculpture was the coolest.

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Björn Borg dumps used icky underwear outside of the White House

Björn Borg have with their agency Farfar created the Peace On Earth campaign has asked the Björn Borg wearing public which world leader is most deserving of having old ugly underwear dumped on their front steps. The vote fell on George W Bush, so Björn Borg packed all the old undis they got up in boxes, flew to the states (New York actually), and began asking for directions to the White House. Jimmy Johansson at Björn Borg says: “We’ve left it to the consumer to decide who should receive the used underwear, and they choose Bush, so now we have personally made sure that the underwear was delivered.”
Film inside showing the trip to the white house.

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Wafels & Dinges paint the town yellow.

Duval Guillaume in New York went out and painted the town yellow to promote the Wafels & Dinges truck, the popular mobile vendor of Belgian Waffles.

If anyone is keen on watching a video of ‘the event’ where edgy creatives fill a Bazooka bucket with yellow paint and then hit the streets to paint the town…eh.. yellow, well then by all means click the image. Photos of the end results are inside. They’re like little yellow waffle carpets leading up to the waffle bus. No word on how New York City feels about the paint yet.

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Don’t Speed Ambient PSA – “Bars”

From Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney, Australia comes this ambient pedestrian crossing with a message – speed and you’ll end up behind bars.

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Handels guerilla campaign to attract students.

Miami ad agency in Gothenburg Sweden sent us this;

Kampanjen började med etiketter på kaffemuggar inne på Handels och har fortsatt med löpsedlar på skolans anslagstavlor, utdelning av tablettaskar och cykelsadelskydd på studenters cyklar utanför universitetet. Man skickar även ut ett DR i samma form och med liknande tilltal.

Quick and dirty translation, to attract more students to sign up before April 15 for the continuing education one year courses of Matrix (management) and Entrepreneurship, Miami stickered all the coffeecups at the school with “Are you awake? Need alert students for Entrepreneurship education” and put “rain covers” on students bikes that read “Out bicycling?” (Swedish idiom meaning “are you lost/confused”) offering advice on continuing education.

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Flinks Järn has stuff for pro’s – Ambient Sweden

Le Bureau in Stockholm advertises “Flinks Järn” which is a hardware store for proffesionals only. To get some attention they placed these awesome sculptures around Bromma, near the store. This is part of a campaign promoting the opening of a second Flinks Järn store in Stockholm (up until now, there’s only been one store location).

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Al Jafee’s MAD Magazine fold-outs – interactive showcase

MAD Magazine is one of America’s leading humo[u]r mags and is published by DC Comics. One of the most revered aspects of the magazine are the illustrated fold-outs that appear each issue. These are designed by renowned cartoonist Al Jaffee.

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New Zealand channel 3 “King Kong” – Guerilla

Colenso BBDO, Auckland had an assigment to promote that King Kong the movie was about to air on New Zealand television – so they hijacked the windows of the University cafeteria and somehow managed to stick a poster on the outside of the skyrise building.
One day the students are enjoying their view in the cafeteria, and the next day they are met with this.

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Fox “Lost” – Supply Drop Guerrilla by Torke

Man TV is really invading everything these days – Torke dropped these “Lost” supply boxes around Lisbon, Portugal to remind everyone that season four premieres on the Fox channel today. (That show is still alive? Did they explain the polar bear yet? I’m not watching until that is sorted out. Ha!)

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Schick Quattro – smooth as ice – Ambient, Australia

JWT Sydney says: “The superior quality of Schick Quattro razors ensures exceptional smoothness. To demonstrate this, we fitted a zamboni machine at Sydney’s largest ice arena with a giant Schick Quattro razor.”

Helena Braddock, Illustrator
Lee Turner, Illustrator
Jay Benjamin & Andy DiLallo, Executive Creative Director
A. Chris Moreira / Mark Schöller, Art Director & Copywriter team
Gerri HamillL, Agency Producer
Creative Services Manager, Graeme de Vallance
Account Service, Peter Bosilkovski

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Sexy Camera soap dispenser “up-skirt” guerrilla

Oh god, remember that Axe upskirt mousepad thing? Here’s a new variation – an upskirt soap dispenser.

Sexy Camera è la nuova candid camera erotica in onda da marzo su “FX”, un canale della famiglia FOX Channels.

Wait, did they say family-channel? Ah, no, it says FX is part of the FOX channel-family. Phew. Wow this would be so much easier if the release was in a language I didn’t have to guess my way around. (Fun fact, we get releases in French, Hebrew and Italian! I speak neither!) The actresses on the show are real porn stars I gather. These dispensers were placed in bars and gyms.

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EnBW “Earth Plug” promotion – Ambient

EnbW is building the first geothermal power station in Germanys Baden-Württemberg, making the company a pioneer in this field. This idea, via agency Jung von Matt/Elbe, Hamburg, aims at making people aware of EnBW’s commitment. The concept is very simple; those gray traffic bollards were combined this sticker (to the left) on the ground: the result gave the impression of a giant highly realistic, three domensional electric plug. See more inside.

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K-fee Coffeine Drink – Speed bumps Ambient – Germany

Jung von Matt/Elbe, Hamburg wanted to not just talk about how awake k-fee Caffeine Drink makes you feel, but to actually “wake people up” direct, straightforward way. “Sleeping policemen” were made to look like K-fee cans. As a result, cyclists bumping over those things would wake up, and notice the cans. The target group – young people – are far more likely to ride fast across these things thus getting the extra bumpy-ride.

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Catsan – Total Odor control pillow cases – (2008) Australia

Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne did this crazy little pillow-case stunt down under. Wanna sleep resting your head on kitty-doo-doo?

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Diving instructors want you to hop in the icy waters of Stockholm city

Miami (no, not the foam covered city, but the ad agency in Gothenburg) has just done another stunt for “Start diving now (http://www.bö in conjunction with a big diving meet in Älvsjö, Stockholm. They’ve street stenciled little diving guys showing you the way to the water all over Stockholm.

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WWF – Hot water cup – (2007) Guerilla

Campaign objective/ creative brief:
WWF wanted a simple ‘take-away’ to make an impression at the important United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali last December. Made with a special ceramic coating, as a hot beverage was poured in, the graphic of the world’s land mass vanished under the rising sea, symbolically showing the effects climate change may soon have if action isn’t taken. Fortunately action was taken in Bali. During the event, where 250 of these cups were given out to the most influential attendees, Dutch Environmental Minister Jacqueline Cramer said, “the WWF cup dramatically captured the critical nature of the global warming issue.”

Click image for full view and more photos.

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HUSH and Nike Make a big splash

New York-based HUSH has collaborated with Nike to bring diversity of style and imagery to the iconic brand with a series of large format images displayed in Niketown and NikeID stores throughout the United States and Europe. The dynamic imagery is delivered directly to the consumer through two core concepts. In Splash, a blank white shoe stomps into a puddle of paint. In Stitch, a shoe is frozen in time as new layers and colors are sewn onto it. Both of these displays are perfectly paired with an expansive wall filled with Nike shoes in an array of all colors and styles.

“Nike is the kind of company that continually strives to reinvent its image and reach millions through its brand identification. We relish the chance to work with such a company, aligning ourselves with the same chameleon-like qualities. In the diverse advertising community, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide a wide range of high-caliber work no matter what the project medium,” commented HUSH director Erik Karasyk.

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