Miracle Whip Creates Celebrity Benefit Song About Not Hating Miracle Whip

Miracle Whip is spreadable, and so is the Kraft brand's superlative, spot-on send-up of "We Are the World"-style social-benefit music videos, which is approaching 250,000 YouTube views in about two weeks. This new installment of the condiment's "Keep an open mouth" campaign, launched last year by mcgarrybowen, finds a delicious assortment of mostly-has-been C-listers (Z-list in Don Dokken's case) belting out a heartfelt anthem that begins: "In this world there's lots of turkey, but also a lot of fear. People making up their minds, before the facts are clear. And when it's time to make a sandwich, ugly judgment rears its head. If it's tangy, creamy, different, chances are it won't get spread." The inspired silliness succeeds because the performers poke fun at their public personas while, against all odds, actually sounding great together. Wynonna asserts, "Some say country is too twangy, and its lyrics aren't too smart," and the Village People lament, "Disco's good for dancing, but not considered art." Lance Bass tears up, and Tiffany tears it up on vocals—her pipes almost steal the show, though Susan Boyle shines on the infectious "Open your mind, open your mouth" refrain. The spot's respectful of their faded celebrity, and everyone's in on the joke, so we're laughing with them instead of at them. As for past Miracle Whip booster Lady Gaga, she's still too big a star for such shenanigans—but given fame's fleeting nature, I'm sure her turn will come.

Miracle Whip reúne celebridades da música em comercial

Em 1985, alguns dos principais nomes da música daquela época se reuniram para gravar We Are the World, dentro do projeto USA for Africa. Alguns anos depois, em 1991, mais uma leva de artistas famosos se uniu no The Peace Choir para cantar Give Peace a Chance, em uma manifestação contra a guerra no Iraque. Certamente outras manifestações como estas ocorreram ao longo da história, algumas por causas mais ou menos nobres do que estas duas. No caso das menos nobres podemos citar o recente comercial da maionese Miracle Whip, que foi ao ar na noite de domingo durante o Grammy Awards.

A sátira criada pela McGarryBowen Chicago levanta a bandeira contra o preconceito sofrido pela Miracle Whip e reúne alguns esquecidos da música, como Lance Bass, do ’N Sync’s, Gilby Clarke – que fez parte em algum momento do Guns n’Roses, Village People, Susan Boyle e a ex-musa dos anos 80 Tiffany. Todos eles pedindo ao telespectador para manter a boca aberta. A julgar pelo vídeo, é inegável que alguns deles mantiveram…

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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