Cheryl Boone Isaacs Chosen to Head Film Academy

Ms. Isaacs, a veteran film marketer, is the first woman to hold the presidency of the motion picture academy since 1983, and the first African-American in the role in the group’s 86-year history.


Media Decoder: Film Academy Adds Board Members as It Prepares to Pick a Leader

The group that awards Oscars will soon name a replacement for its president, Hawk Koch.


In Oscar’s Home, the Ritual of Picking Its Next President Gets Under Way

Don’t call it a “campaign” for president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. But the contenders are lining up and alliances are quietly being sealed.


Academy Will Bring Back Oscar Producers for 2014

This year’s show, hosted by Seth MacFarlane, was criticized for some of his material, but it also brought in more younger viewers.