SF Shop Enlists Tech/Gaming Folks to Talk ‘Five Trends Changing Marketing for Good’
Posted in: UncategorizedSchool of Thought creative directors Joe Newfield and Tom Geary, along with account director Rachel Newell, produced and directed this short video called “These Five Trends Are Changing Marketing for Good.” In it, five thought leaders in the fields of marketing, online entertainment, innovation and education – Prashant Sridharan, developer advocate, Facebook; David Zemke, director of mobile, Sega; Jason Titus, chief technology officer, Shazam; Kalimah Priforce, educational gaming entrepreneur, Qeyno Labs; and Russ Angold, chief technology officer, Ekso Bionics — share their thoughts on the important trends in digital marketing, as well as the challenges and possibilities digital marketers will face in the future. Together, they came up with five things digital marketers can do to embrace today’s trends: embrace multitasking behavior, use multiple screens to deepen engagement, demonstrate brand values in everything you do, tech will know what we want — before we do, and, as always, start with the customer.
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