Here is McCann’s Statement Regarding Commonwealth
Posted in: UncategorizedWe’ve been hearing about it for days now and here you go. We’ll keep you posted on goings-on if and when they progress, but read on below. As mentioned before, GM is undergoing a major agency shift including most likely shifting Cadillac duties from Fallon to Campbell-Ewald. As for Commonwealth, the Detroit-based operation that was the brainchild of then-GM CMO Joel Ewanick and united Goodby and McCann was formed in nearly a year ago and just put out this effort. Anyhow, see McCann’s messsage:
“McCann Worldgroup, an Interpublic Group company, today announced it will assume sole responsibility for Commonwealth, Chevrolet’s global advertising agency, assuming the 50-percent joint ownership share held by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, an Omnicom Group company.
Commonwealth will continue to serve as Chevrolet’s global advertising agency of record and work in conjunction with both IPG and Omnicom resources, including Agency 720 and Fleishman-Hillard.
All current employees of Goodby’s Detroit office will be offered employment consistent with their current employment terms.”
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