Finding your own Moses

by Arjun Mukherjee
Arjun is a Creative Director with Bates 141 Kolkata

Arjun Mukherjee

Sometimes you have this queasy feeling that sacrifice is such a bitch. As a strappy 22-year old one fine day I decided to chuck a bank job like one tosses an unwanted banana peel carelessly by the roadside. Ann Rynd got the better of me and like Ché crisscrossing the virgin countryside I decided to follow my heart. Jaws dropped, eyebrows took the shape of previously unseen arcs and discouraging words dropped like sharp icicles when I announced that I wanted to be an advertising copywriter.

Armed with fresh smelling resumes I started calling up advertising honchos and doing the rounds of big agencies. The rejections were quick and brutal. The drowsy secretaries bleated out the same answers and catching a glimpse of the Creative Director seemed as difficult as spotting a snow leopard in
a blizzard. After experiencing several such ‘push aways’ I resorted to lies, calling up as car loan agents, making appointments as book suppliers and several such cheesy disguises. The results as expected were disastrous and broke away big chunks from my fragile confidence.


How I Create Ads: Gavin Barrett

Gavin Barrett of Barrett and Welsh shares with us a presentation of the creative process:
(It’s a small flash file. Please wait for it to load… download pdf here)


Anuj and Denesh

Creative duo Denesh and Anuj came together in 2004 after being introduced by a london headhunter. They recently picked up a creative excellence award from wpp’s john o’keeffe and have since been getting around some of the top ad agencies in london and amsterdam including BBH, Wieden+Kennedy and Strawberryfrog. Denesh 07966 473785 | anuj 07939 038929

Recession in advertising:


A loss of confidence has been breeding through London since last summer. At least the sun helped us all to feel a bit better day to day. But then came autumn and winter, as for you who know how miserable these British seasons can be, it only added to the snowballing currents of depression flowing from the City in the east to the media industry and the heart of shopping in the west end.

Now upon hearing the massive job culls in the financial part of town, then to the shop floors on high streets up and down the country, slowly and surely more and more people in advertising were being overcome with “depression”. It’s been filtering through all forms of communication, and when everyone talks about something, it’s hard not to believe it. But the thing is, so far it’s not been as bad as it’s been made out to be.

However global networks have set hiring freezes across their agencies, this has set the trend for others to follow, it’s purely about confidence.
It’s not just London either, the disease is spreading like the plague, “it’s gonna wipe people out”, that’s what we keep hearing. We’ve been in touch with agencies all over the world from the states to Australia and they are all talking about the recession, no one is sure about what’s happening and so no one is grabbing their balls to make a confident decision.


The Recession Effect

A very dear friend of mine, working in a top 10 MNC Agency wrote this in, as a response to Recession and Advertising. He requested to remain anonymous, and we shall respect that.


When small men cast tall shadows, the Sun is about to set – Japanese proverb

So the recession is here. Much has been written, discussed and ‘felt’ of the recession here in India. And I am not going to discuss the ‘bigger picture’ or about the ‘way ahead’ or anything of that sort. It’s much too intellectual for my understanding. I know that being in the corporate world we can’t be and should not be as uninterested as we at times are about the way things are in the economic world. I know however much an ‘ostrich syndrome’ we might have about things like these, we cannot escape it. The results of recession are there for all to see.

Recession is a great learning experience. And I don’t mean economically. It is a time to learn about the human psyche in different levels. You have the Indian agencies jumping the gun and laying off people and freezing the hiring, but that’s the macro level picture. What I find interesting is seeing the micro level behavioral changes of agencies and its people in times like these. It brings out the best, or should we say the worst of them. Thanks to recession, I got to hear and experience instances or anecdotes which range from funny to bizarre. But they all have one thing in common, that is, they demonstrate, what small people we are surrounded with. Small people, who in times like these, draw out their cloaked daggers. Small people, who give veiled threats to others. Sample this, “If you guys can’t do it in time, then I’ll talk to the other team”. Bravo my friend! You just demonstrated how good you can be at what you do.


Social Media Networks and their Strategy for India!

Digital Marketer from Google, Bharti Airtel and; Saurabh Pandey is a technology and media enthusiast. Saurabh runs his own blog at and is currently writing a book: ‘Social Media Marketing-Illustrated and Actionable Steps for Digital Marketers’.

Saurabh Pandey

Why are we on Linked-In but not on Apnacircle or brijj?
I guess it’s not just one single ‘thing’ but a mix of many factors that influence us to join a specific social media site.
In a nutshell, and in a more organised lingo, we choose to be on a social networking site largely because of:

  1. Presence of Opinion Leaders
  2. Presence of a large no. of Our Type of people,
  3. Opportunity to Collaborate and Co-create or achieve an objective   and
  4. Tools to collaborate and co-create efficiently and effectively

Once we are comfortable with the above we then slowly create our own network, and reputation within that Social Platform.
Now, creating a network and reputation takes time and effort. Remember how much time it took you to reach that 500 contacts landmark in LinkedIn?
That’s precisely why anyone would think twice before just latching on to just another social network. This makes things really difficult for any new entrant. And that’s why it’s important to be either the ‘first’ or the most ‘disruptive’ in order to win members.
So, what happens now in India? Now that there are already so many of Social Networks, how does a new Social Platform survive?
Needless to say Indian Social Networks have largely been ‘followers’ and have failed to create need driven technological innovation or disruption. This is sadly true in most of the internet verticals.
Anyways broadly I have always maintained that Social Networks should excel at making the conversations among users most efficient-through the use of tools, technology, applications and co-creation opportunities. There is still a gap here, and there is still an opportunity here!
We shall understand the above in slightly greater detail as we move further.

So what’s the story of Big Adda and Ibibo?