‘Bold Moves’ Bullshit Begets “Ford. Drive One.”


If there was ever a tagline shift from the nebulously ethereal do the blunt, “buy our shit now,” it would be this new tagline from Ford, “Ford. Drive One.”

Orbitz Caters to Lazy Vacationers Planners With ‘My Ideal Beach’


We like things simple. We hate a lot of choice. We want someone else to do all the work.

Cleavage and Mushrooms Make You Feel Fungtastic!


We’ve seen hundreds of ads with hot looking women in them. We’ve seen hundreds of ads which make us scratch our head and exclaim, “WTF!?!?!”

Goodby Gives ‘Got Milk’ Tenacious D Treatment


So this is what what it takes now to sell milk.

Advertising Age’s Digital Marketing Conference Reported Twitter-Style


Like we said yesterday, if you’re not at Advertising Age’s Digital Marketing Conference, you can get tidbits of it here following David Armano’s Twitter feed.

Lynx L.A.S.S. Squad Administer Happy Ending in Shower


Well it’s about time. The Lynx/Axe babes are back, this time from Australia in the form of the Lynx Anti-Soap Squad or LASS.

George Bush, Al Pacino, Donald Trump Hawk DISH Network


These are really, really bad! No, wait, these are really, really good! No wait….damn it, we’re conflicted about this new DISH Network work sent to us from Fueld (yes, that’s spelled correctly) Films.

Burger King Jacks Off Your Morning Tongue With Cheesy Tots


Ah yes, that occasionally embarrassing morning moment when you find yourself (if you’re a guy) tenting your sheets with no way to hide the fact you’re sprung.

Both Parties Will Love the New Bush/McCain Lockstep Ad


A new ad from the Democratic National Committee called Bush/McCain: Lockstep argues presidential candidate John McCain, since after 9/11, has been in complete agreement with President Bush regarding America’s presence in Iraq.

Underwear Brand Gets Visual, Musical Mashup


We get it! We get it! It’s a mashup!

Was That Xanadu or A Nomis Soccer Shoe Ad?


If you want to see a really, really weird ad about

Exeter Hospital Celebrates ‘Art of Wellness’ With Beds and Babies


While we’re not sure what making a bed has to do with a hospital’s ability to successfully perform a hip replacement or being ranked tops among all hospital responding to a heart attack, we do like this new commercial from Boston-based Winsper for Exeter Hospital.

If You Want That Hot Plumber to Visit, Don’t Buy A Kohler Toilet


OK, guys. Admit it. You know you’ve done something similar before.

Naked Woman Dances Amongst Sea of Balloons


Now let’s see. If we were a Hollywood web production company, what would be do to call attention to ourselves and win awards?

Pontic G8 Gets Eighties Spy Hunter Treatment


Well here’s a new (OK, new-ish) way to introduce a new car.

Pontiac G8 Gets Eighties Spy Hunter Treatment


Well here’s a new (OK, new-ish) way to introduce a new car.

Why Post Flyers When There are So Many to Vandalize?


Okay, we love this. Instead of posting flyers for its East Village concert (which takes place either last night or right now), Black Lips (or its fans?) used ads around town to spread the word.

Animated Courtney Cox Dishes on Celebrities in ‘Dirt’ Promos

To help kick of Courtney’s Cox’ second season of Dirt on FX, recently launched design and production company Arsenal created six animated “vignettes of Hollywood stars and celebutaunts caught in the act of wild, unbecoming behavior.” Each vignette is…

Lettuce, Peaches and Now Beer Bottles Create Outdoor Advertising


We wonder who got to drink all the beer before all those bottles went up.

Icons Transcend Time in Converse Sneaks


To celebrate 100 years in footwear, Converse is welding new icons to old ones in a campaign called “Connectivity.”