Verizon Tries for a 'Ship My Pants' Moment by Poking Fun at Its 'Half-Fast' Rivals

Watch your mouth and your Internet speeds, because if you’re doing “half-fast” work on an Internet connection other than Verizon FiOS, it could come out sounding dirty.

Verizon is the latest marketer to test the censors with slogans that come amusingly close to sounding like curses. It’s not as funny as when Kmart shipped your pants, but even half-assed punvertising is worth a chuckle.

The idea this time around is that most broadband providers have slow upload speeds, making them only “half-fast.” So, the actors in the commercial complain of the “half-fast” job their Internet is doing when they are posting pictures or music to the Web.

“Stop living with half-fast Internet,” Verizon’s spokesman and Modern Family dad Ty Burrell says.

Hey, at least no one’s taking a sheet in the pool.

Gearing up for HDTV: fire, explosion, and more.

HDTV is coming. The routine ads on broadcast TV continually remind us of that fact. But BBC is reminding their viewers in a slightly different fashion:

Kind of blows other “introducing HD” ads out of the water. And while it vaguely reminded me the Michael Bay Verizon FIOS ad, it leaves me with a different feeling (i.e. more HD, less Bay). I’m willing to bet as HD channels proliferate and broadcast switches over to HD, we’ll be seeing more explosions and special effects in commercials.

But for the moment, I’m just going to kick back and enjoy it.

[via the Lunar BBDO blog]