Selling Socks in “Pairs” of 3 – Throx

( I have said it before, and I will say it again that simplicity in trends is always a winner and I can’t think of a finer example than Throx.

Basically this company have thought of a simple solution to the age old problem of the missing sock by selling socks in “pairs” of three not two. Of course yo…

Curtains In Any Shape Or Form – Magnetic Curtains (GALLERY)

( Most curtains remain in a 2D world where they limit themselves to a few functions and positions. Innovation has sparked the mind of Florian Krautil who has given these magnetic curtains 3D functionality. Adding hundreds of tiny circular magnets, which are evenly spaced throughout the curtains to all…

Banning Negative Behaviour for Health – New Policies in Serbian Hospitals

( Negative words are not exactly a good thing to expose sick patients to. Serbia has decided to implement a new rule banning gossip from all hospitals in the country. They’ve also said they wouldn’t tolerate rudeness, grouchy moods. The staff were also prohibited from accepting brides (gifts, money) i…

Interactive Marketing – 1-click Awards (VIDEO)

( 1-click award is a competition rewarding the interactive works using mouse actions such as click. The contest offers the winner 500,000 yen and is being organized by Japanese recruiting company, Recruit. This in itself however is not the awesome part, no no, the awesome part is the promotion of the …

Tattoo Vaccine – More Effective Than Traditional Shot

( Forget about going to the doctor for a shot, locate your nearest tattoo parlor because researchers in Germany have observed that a greater amount of antibodies are produced when a rapidly vibrating tattoo instrument delivers vaccinations into a patient’s body.

Over the past 100 years, tattoos have…

Retro Fashion Warnings – Diesel Health & Safety Procedure (VIDEO)

( We’ve featured Diesel fashions, shows and ads on Trend Hunter so often; we just can’t get enough of their viral qualities.

The latest TV spot is called Diesel Health and Safety Procedure. It’s a silly video detailing the potential hazards for Diesel shoppers, including emergency procedures and tip…

Lollipop Good For Your Teeth

( Willy Wonka loved candy. His father was a dentist. Combine the two and you get Professor Wenyuan Shi, Chairman of the Oral Biology Department at the UCLA School of Dentistry.

He has developed a therapeutic, orange-flavored lollipop that is good for your teeth. His secret ingredient is an extract o…

Suits of Armor For Animals II – Warrior Mice by Jeff de Boer

( We featured amour for dogs before, but now Jeff de Boer, a Calgary-based multi-media artist, offers something new (or at least new to the 21st century) with his suits of armor for cats and mice. His masterpieces of metal are true conversation pieces and everything that art should be. They’re so nove…

The Simple Life Experience – Living in Suburban Tipi (GALLERY)

( Do you feel sometimes like ditching your complicated house and lifestyle and opting for a simpler one? Inspired by yuris, tipis, and igloos, designer John Paananen wanted to see if living in such an iconic spire would work in today’s modern world. The “house” temporarily existed at Cranbrook A…

Killer Heels – Cruel Designer Shoes (GALLERY)

( We’ve seen some innovative shoe designs, but these are truly wicked. Ladies, you think you have a pair of shoes that kills? Unless you’ve worn some of these, you can’t complain about having a tortured sole.

The gallery features vicious high heels by Rodarte, Antonio Berardi, Alexander McQueen and …

Wrinkle Prevention Exercise – Yoga Face (VIDEO)

( Celebrity name-dropping New York yoga teacher Annelise Hagen of the prerequisitely snobby New York Health & Racquet Club is promoting Face Yoga.

According the Hagen, the bizarre facial exercises prevent aging and wrinkles and is practiced by stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston. Face Yo…

The Borat Effect – John Mayer Likes to Make Sexy Time (VIDEO)

( Oh My! John Mayer showed his sense of humour, and a whole lot more, to fans on the Mayercraft Carrier, a cruise arranged by John Mayer and full of his fans. The singer-songwriter donned a neon green swimsuit identical to the infamous Borat swimsuit.

A fan that was on the cruise describes the stran…

Striking Writers Create Spoofs – TV Writers Swap Shows (GALLERY)

( Creative types just can’t stop being inspired to come up with ideas, so when striking writers of popular TV shows were given the chance to write their own ending for other TV shows, the scripts they created were truly amusing spoofs.

The writers of Ugly Betty took the script of Gossip Girl. The Off…

Gotta Pee? SMS The Door- New Public Toilets System in Finland

( Need to use the restroom while you are on a long drive in Finland? You better have a mobile phone on you!

In order to fight back against vandalism, the Finnish Road Administration has started deploying this January a system which allows travellers to open the doors to roadside toilets only by send…

Waste Awareness Throught Art – Waste Project by Aaron Kent

( AK-47 is an artist often considered a bit of a renegade.

Over the last years, Aaron Kent has conceptualized projects with such variety while still staying true with the fringe dwelling style of the AK-47. Kent does not limit his work to a genre that is sure to create income. This artist lends himse…

German McDonald’s Viral – Move Your Lederhos’n

( If you’ve ever seen a better German viral than this one for McDonald’s then please, send it to us at Trend Hunter!

The Huettengaudi is absolutely hilarious. The viral ad, which runs under the tagline “Move Your Lederhos’n,” lets you upload your own photo so you can become an animated, dancing, Led…

Leg Warmers Meet Disco Pants – Leggie-Legs (GALLERY)

( Leggie-legs are the brand new fashion item inspired by an odd combination of 1960’s bell bottoms and 1980’s leg warmers. The designers spin these major trends from these eras together while giving them a funky and modern twist.

Leggie-legs are featured on, a site with nine different…

New Concept in Pet Adoption –

( Having a pet whale is something that seems a bit odd, kind of like having a pet giraffe. But the possibility to actually claim having a pet whale is just around the corner. Having a look at puts the idea into perspective.

It’s a niche social networking site for those in the whale …

Double Dipping is Wrong – Science Proves Seinfeld Right (VIDEO)

( Research inspired by Seinfeld has proven that double dipping is indeed wrong or as they said on the show, “That’s like putting your whole mouth right in the dip!”

University students examined the spreading of germs using double dipping and discovered that up to 10,000 bacteria were transferred fro…

Prison Food Trays – Eat Like Your In Jail

( Now you don’t need to be in jail to eat like your in Sing Sing jail. This very sturdy (would you expect less?) and shatter-proof tray means you can know enjoy eating like a prisoner in the comfort of your own home.

Prison aside, it’s actually very practical and even dishwasher proof!