‘Before Guy’ That’s Enough Out of You.


We’re diggin’ Apple’s new(ish) banner ad on The New York Times.

Mojito at the Ready, Bacardi Saunters Through Time


“Eras” marks the start of Bacardi’s newest campaign. So many beautiful things are packed into it, and knitted together so nicely, that our cups runneth over.

Now You Know How It Feels Like to Get Motor Neuron Disease


Trapped. Unable to escape. Unable to control your self. Helpless. Dignity stolen. Dreams evaporated. Life as you know it, over.

ALS Weaves Debilitating Maze Through Unwitting Hosts


A few years ago we met a Texan farmer who lost his wife to Lou Gehrig’s disease. The process was short but painful: it hit her all of a sudden, and took her in a matter of months.

JCPenny ‘Endorses’ Teenage Sex


Come on. You know you can remember it. You were in high school and your boyfriend or girlfriend was on the way over to visit and the anticipation was killing you

JCPenney ‘Endorses’ Teenage Sex


Come on. You know you can remember it. You were in high school and your boyfriend or girlfriend was on the way over to visit and the anticipation was killing you

JCPenney ‘Endorses’ Teenage Sex (Not Really, As It Turns Out)


Come on. You know you can remember it. You were in high school and your boyfriend or girlfriend was on the way over to visit and the anticipation was killing you

Where the Hell is Matt? E V E R Y W H E R E !


Matt Harding, the guy who quit his job in Australia and, after hooking up with Stride gum, traveled the globe to film himself dancing in 39 countries (courtesy of Stride), has recently completed a second journey.

Sweden Unleashes Even More Weird McDonald’s Commercials


Still as weird as ever.

That Hot Chick is Also a Human Being


With a link like slinkyfoxvideo.com and a red lingerie-clad, girl-next-door hottie like the one in this video, viewership is almost guaranteed.

Hurtin’ for Rhythm? Go Be Dead


These Raggedy Ann & Andy refugees are characters in a new Zune ad called Piece of Me, Piece of You. Girl bites boy, boy becomes zombie, and together they turn the world into a community of undead extras with jazz hands.

Ford Fusion Commercial Captivates


Dark. Moody. Mesmerizing. Mysterious.Yes, we are attaching these descriptors to a car commercial.

Returning Stork Brings Hope to Grayed-Out Life


We were going to compare this Monster.com Stork spot to that odd, Cannes-winning IKEA lamp spot back in 2003 but then we realized, hey, this Stork spot is actually good. Like a slap to the face, it makes one realize the pit of a life into which one may have fallen and

Sweden Home to Oddest McDonald’s Ads Ever Created


OMFG! WTF? We don’t know what drugs they use over in Sweden but, damn, we want some now!

You’re into Yoga? Pardon Me While I Cream Myself

Did you ever have that fantasy about looking so hot that other hotties literally pause on the street to look at you? Or make love to themselves against your windows? Or put on period costumes to play kinky games…