So Why Is AshleyMadison Featuring Hillary Clinton in a Billboard, Anyway?

Should we expect better of Definitely not. But while this isn’t the first time the adultery website has used a politician’s past to promote its ideals (heck, it’s not even the first time they’ve used someone in the Clinton family) this billboard is particularly questionable.

The tagline for it doesn’t even really make sense: “Harder Choices … lead to” Oh hey, they’re playing off her book title. Cheeky, but what are they trying to say? Hillary Clinton hasn’t cheated on Bill, as far as we know, which puts her in quite a different situation than most of the politicians featured in the site’s ads. So what choice are they referring to?

In an interview with MyFoxChicago, site CEO Noel Biderman danced around the answer, saying that it’s less about Hillary than about how the decision to have an affair is “not an easy choice. People, women in particular, don’t come to affairs lightly. They try to explore alternatives within their relationship. They try everything. For many, it’s a last-ditch effort before, maybe, separation.”

But he also acknowledged that Hillary was being featured because she’s a “survivor of infidelity.” Is that supposed to be flattering? Hillary Clinton is a lot more than an adultery survivor, and to continue pulling from the the same ’90s scandal is worse than offensive; it’s boring. 

Mark Sanford Is Latest Victim of an AshleyMadison Billboard Attack doesn't get political unless there's a sex scandal to exploit, so of course they jumped all over Mark Sanford. Wait, that came out wrong. The extramarital dating website is endorsing Sanford, the former governor now running for Congress, with a billboard in his home state of South Carolina that says "Next time use to find your 'running mate.' " That's a reference to his "Appalachian Trail" excuse for why he went missing that time for six days. I don't see how AshleyMadison would have helped him since a) his other woman lived on another continent and he still got caught, and b) Sanford is kind of an idiot. But AshleyMadison's job is sleaze, not logic. Not to be outdone, Larry Flynt has also endorsed Sanford, hailing him as "America's great sex pioneer."