Arnold Celebrates Perennial Link Between Jack Daniel’s, Rock & Roll

The folks at Arnold, which of course underwent a bit of creative restructuring last week, have returned with a new campaign for Jack Daniel’s, veering from the folksier, Americana-themed efforts of past years to highlight the Tennesee Whiskey brand’s longstanding relationship with rock ‘n roll.

Never mind the association with artists like Kid Rock or those insatiable rockers in Motley Crue (the latter of whom, if you remember, even featured a likeness of a JD bottle on the cover of their must-read autobiography, The Dirt). Rock’s alliance with Jack Daniel’s goes way deeper according to this Arnold’s new TV/web effort for the brand called “Legend.”

Photographer Danny Clinch plays a key role in “Legend,” and along with his work (see a behind-the-scenes clip here) and shots in and out of legendary venues, the campaign features everyone from Frank Sinatra to Bad Brains. The tagged :30 clip above lets you scroll though frame-by-frame and you can peep the web component here.

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Havas Shifts North American Digital Volvo Work to Arnold

Well, at least they’re keeping it within family. We’ve been told by sources familiar with the matter that Arnold Worldwide–we hear specifically the Boston office–will take over on the North American unit of Volvo’s portion of digital duties for its parent company, Havas, which has technically worked on the automaker’s biz since the early ’90s via Euro NY.We’ve been told that this is traditional digital work, not the other tidbits including social, etc..

How this affects “client-conflicted” LBi, which also handles digital duties for Volvo, we’re not quite clear. To be honest, this is a clusterfuck, but we can at least confirm the Havas-Arnold move. Regardless, our sources emphasize that this move serves the NA digital biz, not international, which is still handled by LBi and Havas. Once we receive some more clarification on the matter, we’ll holler, but first we need some Advil for the headache.

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Jack Daniels mostra como seus posters são feitos: do mesmo jeito do uísque

A ano de 2012 avança rapidamente, e estamos cada vez mais distantes do 4 de julho, o Dia da Independência dos EUA. Dificilmente as grandes marcas deixam a data passar em branco, especialmente quando estas marcas são ícones nacionais. É o caso da Jack Daniels, que tomou como uma tradição selecionar artistas independentes para criarem posters com o tema independência.

Este ano, foram selecionados Jon Contino, do Brooklyn, Helms Work, de Austin, e Derek McDonald, de Berkeley. Os bastidores do trabalho de cada um deles foi registrado em vídeo pela Arnold Worldwide, onde cada um deles fala um pouco do seu “ofício”.

O mais curioso é que em nenhum dos videos vemos o uso da tecnologia. Tudo é feito à mão, enquanto os artistas narram como se dá o processo artesanal. E se você já teve a oportunidade de fazer o tour virtual (ou a sorte de fazer o real) pela destilaria da Jack Daniels, sabe que não houve nenhuma coincidência nesta seleção.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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