Dove’s Real Beauty – Today’s Update
Posted in: UncategorizedThe accusations of photo retouching could have been devastating to Ogilvy, Dove and Unilever. Today, all have released statements along with Dangin, the photo retoucher and Annie Liebovitz, stating that the women in the Real Beauty campaign were not retouched. Dangin, however, has admitted to working on the Dove Pro-Age campaign but only to remove dust and provide color correction – neither of which destroy the integrity of the women in the photographs. So, world of advertising and BMA readers – you can all rest assure that Dove and it’s Real Beauty as well as Pro-Age campaigns do exactly what they are supposed to… give real women a sense of inspiration and beauty.
Technorati Tags: Dove, Real Beauty, Pro-Age, photo retouching, digital altering, photography, Annie Liebovitz, advertising