Burger King’s Angry Burger: A Nerd in Biker Clothing
Posted in: UncategorizedBurker King launched it’s Angry Whopper campaign in Canada that includes an interactive website to talk smack to users and fire them up for the rage that they say is inside the sandwich with angry sauce, jalapenos and pepper jack cheese. “Let’s see how full of rage you are,” the sandwich says. You don’t have a webcam to show your ire? “NO WEBCAM?” the sandwich goads, “You must be pretty angry being stuck in 1997. Do you rollerblade to work everyday?”
You can also send an Angry-Gram (http://bit.ly/15pQ7Y) to let somebody know “they annoy the hell outta you.” Profanity, unbridled anger and insults to rollerbladers and preacher’s wives pack a lot of energy, but the insults hurled by the Angry Burger fall flat because they are, frankly, dorky. Really dorky. “You love yourself so much you would reply to your own personal ad,” and “You are bitchier than a school bus of hormonal cheerleaders.” It gets worse: “Why do you always read my email? It’s like you are working for the FBI.” The throaty, screaming voice should have a much better arsenal than this.
The approach and the technology are fresh and cutting-edge, but the sandwich seriously lacks street cred.
Jennifer Fields is an ad-enthusiast with little patience for the inauthentic.