Top 5 Super Bowl video ads according to neuromarketing study

Sands Research has conducted a neuromarketing analysis of the Super Bowl Ad 2010.

Here are their results and the ranking of the most efficient ads according to neuromarketing study.


Top 5 video of the Super Bowl Ad with brain graphics analysis

#1: Advertiser: Volkswagen – Agency: Punch[…]

Top 10 viral marketing blogs in January based on Technorati

1 Seth’s Blog Recent: Jumping the gun There’s going to be a lot of hoopla this week, some of it on this very blog (three posts already today!). … 2 AdFreak Recent: Domino’s shovels pizza into the unbelievers Domino’s has posted the second […]

Top 10 viral marketing blogs in December based on Technorati

Seth’s Blog Recent: Over the top You never cease to amaze me. Just 48 hours after launching a review copy fundraiser for Acumen Fund, we … I Believe in Advertising | Only … Recent: Volkswagen Passat: Parking [See post to watch Flash […]

Best of football in advertising

The best of football in advertising is compiling all the most creative materials in video, print, outdoor and ambient media. If you have any additionnal material to add to this post, please add the url in the comments and I will update this post. Here is the best of football in advertising in […]

La monétisation des blogs en France Buzzomètre #3

Le Buzzomètre, l’emission maintenant hebdomadaire d’Emery Doligie aka mry sur le web. L’emission reunie cette semaine Gildas Launay, Directeur Associé de Next-Idea, François Garcia, Directeur Général de X-Prime et Mathieu Morgensztern, Directeur Général de EuroRSCG 4D et Président de l’AACC […]

Microsoft erases a black guy in his advertising for Poland

The magic of Photoshop to erase a black man and replace him with a white man for the polish Microsoft website… Advertiser: Microsoft

Inspiration from Cannes – The New Ecosystem in Practice

Obama for America (Winner Integrated Grand Prix) Ironically this year, the most prestigious prize was not won by an agency, instead, it went to the Obama presidential campaign. It offers a fantastic example of how successfully integrating the elements of the new advertising ecosystem can have […]

Always On, the social media strategy

GoViral at the 2009 Cannes Lions introduces 2 key concepts for brands, looking for online success. Users are now “always on” and media is consumed when, how and as users like it. The challenge is how to change a declining advertising model build around a structured media model of scarcity and […]

Free copy of the new book FREE from Chris Anderson

I was yesterday at the conference (The Royal College Of Physicians, London) of Chris Anderson for the launch of his new book FREE. Interesting conference about the Free model of the economy with attendees from The London Paper, Spotify and the IPA. The first book of Chris Anderson The Long […]

Cannes 2009 Media Lions award results

And the winners are… Grand Prix JWT Japan for Nestle’s Kit Kat Postcard campaign with Japan Post. Gold Media Lions La Sirena, Dynamic Overlays, Pages BBDO Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Nissan Micra Ceiling Cinema, TBWAGermany, Berlin, Germany Lexus USA, Reinventing the Magazine Nissan […]

Monétiser son blog avec de la video grâce a Goviral Network

Goviral Network est une nouvelle plate-forme qui offre la possibilité de monétiser l’audience de son blog ou site avec des vidéos rémunérées au Cout Par View (CPV). Cela signifie que chaque play r éalisé par un de vos visiteurs vous rapporte une somme variable selon les campagnes. Cette […]

Cannes 2009 PR Lions award results

And the winners are… PR Lions Procter & Gamble, Protecting Futures, MS&L New York, USA Diageo Portugal, World’s First Ephemeral Museum, Lisbon, Portugal Sagami Rubber Industries, Love Distance, GT Tokyo, Japan Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich’s Being Sold, Spillman/Felser/Leo Burnett Zurich, […]

Cannes 2009 Direct Lions award results

And the winners are… Gold Lions 1. Axion Banner Concerts, Boondoggle (2), Leuven, Belgium 2. Jewish Council for Education & Research, The Great Schlep, Droga5, New York, USA 3. OVK/Parents of Child Road Victims, Let It Ring (2), Happiness Brussels, Belgium 4. Conect Village Where Nothing […]

Cannes 2009 Outdoor Lions award results

And the winners are… Gold James Ready, Share Our Billboard Campaign, 1, 2, 3, Leo Burnett, Toronto, Canada IKEA ToyBeast, ClothesBeast, BookBeast, DDB Germany, Dusseldorf, Germany Alka Seltzer Bear, Paparazzi, Magician, Mafia, Prison, CLM BBDO Paris, France Fiat, Panda, Walrus, Penguin, […]

Cannes 2009 Promo Lions award results

And the winners are… Gold Promo Lions Portuguese Red Cross, Hope Store Sells Hope, Leo Burnett, Lisbon, Portugal Four’n Twenty Pies, Magic Salad Plate (2), Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, Australia Adidas NZ/NZ Rugby Union Adithread, TBWA\Whybin\Tequila, New Zealand Pascall, When Will the Fruit […]

How to recycle your business cards after being made redundant is a website where you can upload your recycled business cards after being made redundant. I have selected for you some example from former employees in famous agencies as BBDO, DDB, Duval Guillaume, JWT, Lowe, McCann Erickson, Ogilvy, Publicis and TBWA.

The Covers Project Chain

Thanks to my friend lavirale, I have discovered this useless project.

How to participate to the Cover Project Chain

1 – Go on Wikipedia “random”
The first title of the article will be your band’s name

2 – Go on "random quotations"
The last words of the last […]

New RSS feeds link for Mastercom, please update

As Feedburner has been bought by Google, I have transfered my feeds for Mastercom here.

Thanks for updating it.

The complete history of advertising in 185 slides

I have found on SlideShare this excellent history of advertising presented as a Power Point.
In this presentation you will find some famous pioneer advertisers such as Coca Cola, Ford, Lucky Strike, Camel, Marlboro, Gillette, Budweiser, Nescafé, Kellog’s, Campbell’s, […]

Follow me Mastercom on Twitter

I know I am not a Twitter early adopter, but it’s always better late than never…

You are welcome to follow me on my twitter’s page.