Cheerios Tugs at the Heartstrings Again With a Dad Working the Third Shift

Oh man, grumpy dad who’s working weird hours in this new Cheerios ad from Saatchi & Saatchi. Don’t get mad at your kid. Take a lesson from Peanut Butter Cheerios dad, and be cool. Hang out for a minute and laugh with Junior. It’ll be nice before you head off for however many grueling hours of whatever it is you do.

Judging by your rugged appearance and attire, and that clocking in at midnight is even an option, it’s presumably something blue-collar. Dock worker? Warehouse worker? Auto worker? You are in the Cheerios demo. You should be eating lots of Cheerios at 11 p.m.

Sure, Cheerios might being mimicking your frustrating but also beautiful existence right back at you just to sell more breakfast cereal, because times aren’t just tough for salt-of-the-earth people with families to support, they’re tough for cereal brands, too. Nobody wants to eat cereal with their kids at any time of day these days.

So, also don’t get mad at Cheerios, because making ads that use children to pander to your heartstrings is what they do. Indeed, sometimes manipulating your love for sentimental family moments really does work well … so Cheerios is probably going to keep trying.

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