An Agency Website That Works From Copacino+Fujikado

I have been staring at hundreds of advertising and digital agency websites on my Pinterest directory trying to decode each agency’s objectives and strategies. Frankly, the lack of ad agency website differentiation, especially if you view these websites from a new business perspective, is confounding.

Every once an awhile I come across an agency that is doing something different. In this case, the something different is a social media tool from Copacino+Fujikado, a leading Seattle agency born in 1998. The agency is known for its iconic Seattle Mariners work and a range of other famous brands including SAFECO and REI.

C+F, which has a very clean site by the way, has a “+ curated” button on its navigation bar. The + curated tool lives on each page and allows a visitor to save pages from the site and add them to a curated list that the visitor can email to himself or someone else.

copacino + fujikado
The + curated device works for at least four important reasons.

+ curated helps the visitor to save and share content (especially the agency’s work.) An action that is generally difficult in website viewing.

It works as a user-activated new business tool.

It provides the agency with data on who is visiting and sharing. Again, a new way to solve the problem of the anonymous visitor.

It is different and cool and provides the agency with a new shiny thing that they can show to clients to prove that they actually walk the social media talk. Most agencies try to deliver social chops by showing their Twitter feed.

C+F has managed to move past the now ubiquitous home page Twitter feed to demonstrate agency-owned digital prowess.

Peter Levitan is an advertising agency consultant dedicated to helping advertising agencies add new business in our age of disruption. He can be found everyday right here:

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