Ad Stereotypes Star in W+K NY’s Push for ESPN Fantasy Football
Posted in: UncategorizedWith the start of the NFL season less than two months away, W+K New York launched a campaign promoting ESPN Fantasy Football comprised of three broadcast spots.
Each of the spots, which will run in 30, 15 and 10-second versions, feature a different commercial actor cast in a stereotypical role, such as the smooth “Trevor, the Shampoo Commercial Actor” (featured above), who viewers learn in a different spot has a bit of short fuse. While filming an ad, each of the actors decides he has to set up the Commercial Actors Fantasy League as commissioner before one of the other actors do, with each actor giving a reason one of his colleagues isn’t suited for the role. In the above spot, for example, Trevor points to Roger, the Allergy Medication Commercial Actor’s hypersensitivity. While the campaign’s self- awareness is hardly anything new, it is not without its merits. Each of the satirical advertising cliche targets are realistic enough to be readily identifiable and the premise of needing to start a league before someone else does speaks to the ease of ESPN Fantasy Football while reminding viewers to get their own leagues going.
Agency: W+K New York
Executive Creative Directors: Jaime Robinson, David Kolbusz
Creative Directors: Brandon Henderson, Caleb Jensen
Art Director: Toliver Roebuck
Copywriter: Howard Finkelstein
Producer: Kristen Johnson
Executive Producer: Temma Shoaf
Account Team: Mike Welch, Alex Scaros, Liz Lindberg
Business Affairs Team: Sara Jagielski, Karen Crossley, Breck Henson, Sonia Bisono
Production Company: Arts and Sciences
Director: Matt Aselton
Executive Producers: Marc Marrie, Mal Ward
Line Producer: Zoe Odlum
Director of Photography: Benn Martenson
Editorial Company: Cosmo Street
Editor: Tiffany Buchard (TV), Zoe Mougin (Web)
Assistant Editor: Chrissy Doughty
Post Producer: Valerie Sachs
Post Executive Producer: Maura Woodward
VFX Company: SwitchFX
Online Editor: Jon Magel
Online Producers: Diana Dayrit, Cara Flynn
Mix Company: Sound Lounge
Mixer: Glen Landrum, Tom Jucarone
Color Company: Company 3 NY
Colorist: Tim Massick
Animation Company: Joint New York
Animator: Yui Uchida
Music Company: APM
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