Advertisers Still Want To Get Into The Super Bowl

…and they want to do it at $3 million per :30. From the Wall Street Journal:

So far, a dozen 30-second spots have sold at the $3 million mark, says Seth Winter, senior vice president of sales and marketing for NBC Sports & Olympics. In 2008, News Corp.’s Fox received about $2.7 million for 30 seconds, though one or two of the final slots went for about $3 million, according to media buyers.

Of course, longtime advertisers and those buying bigger ad packages won’t be paying $3 million for their ads. Anheuser-Busch, for example, which buys about 10 ads every Super Bowl, shells out about $2 million a spot, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The :30 spot isn’t dead, but judging from the last few years, much of the creativity in Super Bowl spots is. Will someone re-inject it this year?

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